I have the same problem across my blog. It seems to have happened in the last couple of years and I think it is time to deal with it. The text is there on the dashboard but not when published. Grateful for any help.
]]>In my descriptions I use blank spaces to indent some bullet points. I use spaces because in the past I have had problems with the way some programs handle TABS.
On a new line WordPress is deleting the 5 blank spaces I use to indent. How can I fix this?
]]>I have a problem that nobody seem to find a solution for.
I had Adsense connected to my website. I decided to remove it, and this left behind open blank spaces everywhere on my site, but for some reason only when accessing the site on a mobile device. You won’t see it on my sites main page, but if you click on any of the posts and scroll down, you will see it.
I’ve tried to remove all Google-code. I’ve tried to reinstall Google Adsense on my site, but have turned off automatic ads.
I’ve been in contact with my host provider and the WordPress-forum for Google Sitekit – both said it’s beyond their scope of support. I’ve contacted Google Adsense-support, and they don’t know what’s wrong.
Can anyone please help me with this, as I am running out of options now and can’t for the life of me see how it fix it.
]]>I wanted to remove Google ads from my site. I tried to uninstall Sitekit and close my Adsense account. This removed the ads, but left big blank spaces on my posts. To make matters even stranger, the spaces only show up when accessing my site on a mobil device.
I’ve tried to remove all Google code.
I’ve tried to purge the cache.
Now I’ve tried to reinstall Sitekit and reopen my Adsense account to get the ads back. This placed ads everywhere else, and the blank spaces are still there.
How do I remove the blank spaces from the posts on my site?
]]>As an exampel this is the original text (in German):
“Eigentlich hatte ich Ende September dieses Jahres angekündigt, mich zum Thema Missbrauch und Kirchenpolitik nicht mehr zu ?u?ern. Dieser Blog tr?gt aber einen Namen und ich denke, es w?re nicht gut, das Thema einfach auf sich beruhen zu lassen und so zu verschweigen, was in unserer Kirche vor sich geht. Darum hier doch noch mal wieder ein Artikel zu aktuellen Geschehnissen in den USA”
This is what it becomes (with highlighted errors):
“Eigentlich hatte ich Ende September dieses Jahres angekündigt, mich zum Thema Missbrauchund Kirchenpolitik nicht mehr zu ?u?ern. Dieser Blog tr?gt abereinen Namen und ich denke, es w?re nicht gut, das Thema einfach auf sichberuhen zu lassen und so zu verschweigen, was in unserer Kirche vor sich geht.Darum hier doch noch mal wieder ein Artikel zu aktuellen Geschehnissen in denUSA”
I haven’t found anything on your page, but do you know this issue? Can you help?
Thanks very much, Felix Honekamp
]]>As you may seen in the product grid if you keep scrolling down, you will see empty blank spaces between the products, we have tried multiple things but have not come to a solution, could you please give us support as to why this may happen and how can we solve this problem https://gorigogo.com/inicio/shop/
]]>After the latest update RGG plugin shows only blank space instead of galleries.
Do you know which is the problem and how to fix it?
I’m using Vantage theme and Php version 7.
Thank you.
]]>How can I prevent the Woocommerce ‘Store’ page from adding random p tags for shortcodes, images and links? It’s extremely annoying and creates a bunch of blank spaces around the place.
I already have under my theme’s ‘Functions.php’ file:
remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
remove_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'wpautop' );
remove_filter( 'comment_text', 'wpautop', 30 );
However, Woocommerce ignores this. I’m trying to write HTML code under WordPress itself on top of the store page (to be displayed before Woocommerce lists it’s products).