I am using Black Studio TinyMCE Widget, with WooSidebars. I’ve used WooSidebars to create a new Widget Area, which I set to replace my WP Theme’s sidebar. The WooSidebar is visible under Appearance > Widgets.
However, when I try to add a Black Studio TinyMCE Widget to the WooSidebar Widget Area I’ve created — I cannot save the changes to the Black Studio TinyMCE Widget. I hit save, go to another page, come back and the Black Studio TinyMCE Widget is gone.
I tried Black Studio TinyMCE Widget in the non-WooSidebars Widget Areas, and the plugin works. So it leads me to believe Woo is the culprit.
Has anyone else experienced this? How have you solved it?
]]>Getting myself in a twist – I am trying to style the h3 headers on the widget.
So I have added (as an example) the style htext1 to a row class
I have then added the following into my theme stylesheet
div.panel-row-style-htext1.htext1 h3.widget-title{color:#ffffff!important;)
I also needed a h3 title tag to dissappear from a slideshow and this works perfectly!
div.panel-row-style-slider.slider h3.widget-title{display:none!important;)
I need the h3 titles to be as default on the rest of the site – but I have a few I need to show up as white – I cannot figure out why I can get one to dissappear, but I can’t change the colour of another one when needed,
I am doing something stupid – if anyone can point out the obvious to me!
Thanks in advance.
]]>I use Page-Builder by Site Origin together with Black Studio TinyMCE. In a sense I think that WP Edit supersedes the need for for Black Studio save for the fact that you get a visual editor widget which is seriously crucial to using Page Builder.
Does it make sense to use both?
]]>For some reason, I am only getting the background color of the given area to appear even though I have placed text in these areas using the Black Studio Tiny MCE widget.
My site is at www.westminsterav.com.
Can anyone offer me some help as to why I can’t get additional content to appear?