How do we EXCLUDE ads on our individual product pages?
We’ve looked at Blacklist and whitelist page documentation but do not understand it.
Please help, thank you!
]]>I tried to block users from the WP Dashboard by using black-/whitelisting in WP Cerber.
On the white-list there was only our IP in the blacklist I used a any IPv4/IPv6 wildcord (*.*.*.* / ::/0)
I tested this configuration with Browserstack.
With the wildcard I’ve access to the login panel; by blocking the specific IP it says “you’re not permitted”
Why doesn’t it work with the wildcards?
]]>It is true that there are some functionalities that I have missed but to be free what it gives is surprising and for that reason I strongly recommend it
]]>WordPress Version: 5.2.3
Also, as I posted in the other thread, the questions aren’t showing up on my registration page, which is an actual page setup through Buddy Press. I’m wondering if that could also be preventing the blacklist from working. However, if No Bot Registration can’t be compatible with BP, I won’t be able to use it.
Le blocage par la liste noire fonctionne pour une adresse IP simple (
Mais le blocage NE FONCTIONNE PAS pour une plage IP ( ou (
Merci de votre aide.
Is there a way to exclude posts prior to the installation date? I previously used content template to do the same thing, and don’t need previous posts to have the ads added a second time.
]]>How do i fix this?
]]>I have implemented GTM on 3 sites using the same code. It works perfectly on 2 but one GTM loads tags don’t fire.
My testing site works but it doesn’t work on production
Here’s a shared preview>m_auth=WOC8FmnizvvYvlh4077-Lg>m_preview=env-6>m_debug=x
Both sites are wordpress with plugin installed.
I tried the following …
Disabling Cloudflare
Disabling all caching and minification on Cloudflare and on WordPress
Installing the plugin using different methods (placing code in the header, footer etc.)
Installing GTM code manually in the header and body
Disabling all plugins
Testing the code with different themes
Creating a new GTM container with that only fires one event on Window Load and DOM load
Clearing browser cookies, browser data, cacges etc.
Checking for Javascript errors in the console
Checking on different browsers (Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Safari)
Everything I could think of … Nothing works …
I would really really appreciate if somebody could point me in the right direction … what should I try next ?
Best wishes,