Thank you. Appreciate the help.
]]>//* Socialize Widget Area
genesis_register_sidebar( array(
‘id’ => ‘socialize-widget’,
‘name’ => __( ‘Socialize’, ‘magazine’ ),
‘description’ => __( ‘Below header of the socialize page.’, ‘magazine’ ),
) );
add_action( ‘genesis_after_header’, ‘socialize_widget’ );
function socialize_widget() {
if ( is_page( ‘Socialize’ ));
genesis_widget_area( ‘socialize-widget’, array(
‘before’ => ‘<div class=”socialize-widget widget-area”>’,
‘after’ => ‘</div>’,
) );
]]>The sliders I’m using are made in Smart Slider 3 and can be pasted into content using short code. I would like to make a custom slider for each sub-page. I have made all the sliders, but would like them to be full-width which can only be achieved by entering it into the functions.php file somehow so that it loads before the main content, just under the header.
I have managed to add one to the home page using the code snippet provided by Customizr here.
I have tried fiddling with the code every which way to get the sliders on my other pages such as here and here to load like the one on the home page, but it’s not working. This is my code so far..
//we add the action with priority set to 5 => it will be displayed in first position (before the slider if any)
add_action ('__after_header' , 'add_content_after_header', 20);
function add_content_after_header()
{ if ( !tc__f( '__is_home' ) )
echo do_shortcode('[smartslider3 slider=7]');}
]]>I could really use a hand here, first time building a website. I would like my first widget (with an image) to be right below the header and not have that white space in between.
Please help.