I’ve tried different settings and cannot get the thumbnail box & captions back! I don’t think the problem is the CSS because I changed the margin and it does reflect the change on the page but still no captions.
]]>With legacy templates I was able to extend basic thumbnails to show description like my example.
Is it possible to do the same with default-view.php? If I use default-view.php and Standard, I get a nice look and feeling for pictures. Now I’m missing description.
If it isn’t possible, maybe that would be a good feature request.
regards, Andyt
]]>I tried:
1. Deactivate and reactivate NextGEN, no luck
2. I downloaded, unzipped the plugin files and uploaded them on top of the existing files and folders, no change
I do have some CSS overrides in a custom CSS file but that has not changed in a long time.
I will appreciate some guidance to bring them back to “normal” behavior. I can add the float rule but I would like to know what broke.
The site is behind CloudFlare, if you happen to get a five-column display of the gallery please force a reload of the page.
]]>These 2 are not displayed correctly in Safari. (images are stacked vertically and do not open in lightbox):
I also added this new gallery and it displays fine for some reason:
All old galleries look fine, please help to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
I can’t get my Thumbnail gallery to look anywhere near that…
I am also trying to change the number of Image per page and no matter what I put in the “Basic thumbnails” setting, the max number stays 20.
]]>For maybe 2 weeks, it’s impossible for me to activate the diaporama, left-clicking on a basic thumbnails gallery.
the clicked picture is openned, full-size, in a new window.
I didn’t changed theme ( i have Atahualpa for 2 years) but I don’t know if the last update changed something with next-gen-gallery.
About the plugin itself: I added a few CSS lines (in style > insert custom CSS) to remove borders from original basic-thumbnails gallery, but that’s all.
Check out galleries there for example:
My WordPress, my theme and my Next gen plugins are all up to date.
PS: excuse my bad spelling, I’m french.
Thanks for your help.