– Uninstalled/reinstalled UpdraftPlus (did not wipe settings, though)
– Switched to Dropbox for remote storage; this works perfectly, no problems
– De-authorized UpdraftPlus with Google and re-authorized
– Changed the split from 400mb to 100mb
– No problem backing up and copying just the databases; it is when I do both files AND databases the copying to Google Drive hangs.
Here is the last part of the log file:
086.290 (0) Saving backup history. Total backup size: 828.8 MB
0086.309 (0) Requesting upload of the files that have not yet been successfully uploaded (12)
0086.326 (0) Cloud backup selection (1/1): googledrive with instance (1/1) (last)
0086.332 (0) Beginning dispatch of backup to remote (googledrive) (instance identifier s-f463e2e9a93bd9e0eb82269161be3f0c)
0086.853 (0) Google Drive: quota usage: used=4243.9 MB, total=102400 MB, available=98156.1 MB
0086.862 (0) Google Drive: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-plugins.zip: Attempting to upload to Google Drive (into folder id: 0BxsnRC5rEWKzQ3U1U244R19TOGc)
0087.297 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 2.5 % uploaded (1048576 - increasing chunk size to 2048 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0087.581 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 7.5 % uploaded (3145728 - increasing chunk size to 4096 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0087.908 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 17.5 % uploaded (7340032 - increasing chunk size to 8192 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0088.285 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 37.4 % uploaded (15728640 - increasing chunk size to 16384 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0088.894 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 77.3 % uploaded (32505856 - increasing chunk size to 32768 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0089.818 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 100 % uploaded (32505856)
0089.835 (0) Google Drive: OK: Archive backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-plugins.zip uploaded in 2.96 seconds
0089.841 (0) Recording as successfully uploaded: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-plugins.zip
0089.855 (0) Deleting local file: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-plugins.zip: OK
0090.074 (0) Google Drive: quota usage: used=4284 MB, total=102400 MB, available=98116 MB
0090.084 (0) Google Drive: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-themes.zip: Attempting to upload to Google Drive (into folder id: 0BxsnRC5rEWKzQ3U1U244R19TOGc)
0090.715 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 8 % uploaded (1048576 - increasing chunk size to 2048 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0090.974 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 24.1 % uploaded (3145728 - increasing chunk size to 4096 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0091.305 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 56.1 % uploaded (7340032 - increasing chunk size to 8192 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0092.167 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 100 % uploaded (7340032)
0092.183 (0) Google Drive: OK: Archive backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-themes.zip uploaded in 2.09 seconds
0092.190 (0) Recording as successfully uploaded: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-themes.zip
0092.208 (0) Deleting local file: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-themes.zip: OK
0092.362 (0) Google Drive: quota usage: used=4296.5 MB, total=102400 MB, available=98103.5 MB
0092.372 (0) Google Drive: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-uploads.zip: Attempting to upload to Google Drive (into folder id: 0BxsnRC5rEWKzQ3U1U244R19TOGc)
0092.732 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 1 % uploaded (1048576 - increasing chunk size to 2048 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0092.994 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 3.1 % uploaded (3145728 - increasing chunk size to 4096 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0093.265 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 7.1 % uploaded (7340032 - increasing chunk size to 8192 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0093.675 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 15.3 % uploaded (15728640 - increasing chunk size to 16384 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0094.240 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 31.6 % uploaded (32505856 - increasing chunk size to 32768 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0095.093 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 64.3 % uploaded (66060288 - increasing chunk size to 65536 KB - memory usage: 73.2 / 93)
0155.429 (0) Google Drive: Upload error: Operation timed out after 60001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (line: 117, file: /hermes/walnacweb07/walnacweb07ah/b1769/moo.mcjohnsonfineartcom/mchesleyjohnson/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/Google/IO/Curl.php)
0155.436 (0) An error condition has occurred for the first time during this job
0155.586 (0) Google Drive: quota usage: used=4296.5 MB, total=102400 MB, available=98103.5 MB
0155.592 (0) Google Drive: backup_2021-03-28-0824_Michael_Chesley_Johnson_Artist_ada205082c74-uploads2.zip: Attempting to upload to Google Drive (into folder id: 0BxsnRC5rEWKzQ3U1U244R19TOGc)
0156.032 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 1 % uploaded (1048576 - increasing chunk size to 2048 KB - memory usage: 137.2 / 157)
and here it stops!
]]>It always hangs in the same place : in the posts table. I’ve let it run for an hour and it doesn’t complete.
Early in the log this error shows up —
0000.124 (0) Testing potential mysqldump binary: /usr/bin/mysqldump
0000.150 (0) Binary mysqldump: error (code: 2)
The backup then continues until it gets to the posts table, where it stops.
The software is up to date. It’s running on GoDaddy deluxe managed WordPress, using Genesis and an old theme. There may be a problem with some CRON jobs, but that may be because of light traffic. Database backups have completed in the past, and there’s no problem with the files backup. Backups by the hosting company are apparently OK.
I would appreciate any advice you could offer.
WP: 5.0.3 PHP: 7.1.26
MySQL: 10.0.37-MariaDB Server: LiteSpeed safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 512M (used: 106.7M | 110M)
End of log
0107.367 (0) Adding batch to zip file (UpdraftPlus_BinZip): over 50 MB added on this batch (50 MB, 25363 files batched, 172 (1467) added so far); re-opening (prior size: 0 KB)
0112.835 (0) backup_2019-03-12-1238_Hiking_With_Dean_b7899b7e059b-uploads8.zip.tmp: size is now: 50.10 MB
0112.842 (0) A useful amount of data was added after this amount of zip processing: 6.8 s (normalised: 6.8 s, rate: 7502.5 KB/s)
0112.844 (0) Zip size is at/near split limit (50.1 MB / 50 MB) – bumping index (from: 7)
0113.844 (0) Created uploads zip (7) – 51255.8 KB in 5.5 s (9320.9 KB/s) (checksums: sha1: 0de94149d64732b9b333f369ed717a40aa2e6f7b, sha256: 76a3d7c6cc0660d7df7ce179be8a92516450ab51dabe6c66012ec03997e4ed06)
0113.849 (0) Zip: backup_2019-03-12-1238_Hiking_With_Dean_b7899b7e059b-uploads9.zip.tmp: 1500 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
0113.854 (0) Zip: backup_2019-03-12-1238_Hiking_With_Dean_b7899b7e059b-uploads9.zip.tmp: 1600 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
0113.861 (0) Adding batch to zip file (UpdraftPlus_BinZip): over 50 MB added on this batch (50.4 MB, 25363 files batched, 135 (1602) added so far); re-opening (prior size: 0 KB)
0119.472 (0) backup_2019-03-12-1238_Hiking_With_Dean_b7899b7e059b-uploads9.zip.tmp: size is now: 50.50 MB
0119.479 (0) A useful amount of data was added after this amount of zip processing: 7.5 s (normalised: 7.4 s, rate: 6919.4 KB/s)
0119.483 (0) Zip size is at/near split limit (50.5 MB / 50 MB) – bumping index (from: 8)
Just a heads-up for a problem for which I have found a solution. The problem applies to all the popular backup plugins:
I recently upgraded my VPS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. All my sites using UpdraftPlus would hang while backing up.
I discovered that a function (gzopen) used by updraft is no longer available as standard, but gzopen64 does the same job!
A simple workaround for functions.php or wp-config.php:
if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
function gzopen($filename , $mode, $use_include_path = 0 )
{ return gzopen64($filename, $mode, $use_include_path);
Now all my sites work correctly.