I would like to know if WooCommerce can do the following:
I sell insurances so I don’t want a “shop” where I can sell products, I want to sell insurances.
How can I sell an insurance? I don’t need a product page. I just need to talk with my client and send him the agreement.
Then I would like to have the summary of the agreements that are already paid or not…
Can you help me to achieve that?
]]>Sorry for open a ticket again but I have a doubt.
Is there a way to have a column with the ID of the property as well as it is the column of Title, Image, Location…
Thank you in advanced
]]>Trying to upload a photo or a PDF with an unique name will put it on the media folder from April 2020. While the file’s content may be correct in this case, not only are we forced to load the items until it appears randomly to select it, if the file had the same name as a previous one that exists in the same file, it’ll be overwritten.
I can’t explain how to reproduce this issue aside from uploading a file through it and see that the media url is pointing to the wrongly dated folders, alongside checking how 2 files with the same name and different content will not be corrected to have unique names and the newly uploaded document will be overwritten by the one uploaded first.
Examples [not sharing the full url to leave the client undisclosed]:
– PDF uploaded through the media pop up today url: wp-content/uploads/2020/04/test_22.pdf
– wp-content/uploads/2020/04/test.pdf uploaded today will share the same name and url as wp-content/uploads/2020/04/test.pdf uploaded in april 2020, being overwritten by the later as well
– 5-1.jpg from December 2018 is followed by fruit.jpg from January 2021 and image.jpg from July 2020
How can we make it so that the file is uploaded to the right folder and force the media pop up to order the items by date as per usual?
]]>We have the same issue on another product with the latest version of the plugin (2.3.26) when trying to view the label of a specific order from the back-office :
[Tue Jul 26 08:05:08.854939 2022] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 14190:tid 140011248330496] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Bpost\\BpostApiClient\\Exception\\BpostNotImplementedException: Not implemented: No createFromXML found into \\Bpost\\BpostApiClient\\Bpost\\Order\\Box\\Option\\Insured in /home/delvigne/www/wp-content/plugins/bpost-shipping/vendor/antidot-be/bpost-api-library/src/Bpost/Order/Box/International.php:241\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: Bpost\\BpostApiClient\\Bpost\\Order\\Box\\International::createFromXML(Object(SimpleXMLElement))\n#1 /home/delvigne/www/wp-content/plugins/bpost-shipping/vendor/antidot-be/bpost-api-library/src/Bpost/Order/Box.php(272): call_user_func(Array, Object(SimpleXMLElement))\n#2 /home/delvigne/www/wp-content/plugins/bpost-shipping/vendor/antidot-be/bpost-api-library/src/Bpost/Order.php(259): Bpost\\BpostApiClient\\Bpost\\Order\\Box::createFromXML(Object(SimpleXMLElement))\n#3 /home/delvigne/www/wp-content/plugins/bpost-shipping/vendor/antidot-be/bpost-api-library/src/Bpost.php(440): Bpost\\BpostApiClient\\Bpost\\Order::createFromXML(Object(SimpleXMLElement))\n#4 /ho...\n', referer: https://www.fabiennedelvigne.be/wp-admin/post.php?post=34486&action=edit
We tested creating the same order with same address, and the label is working.
Please can you investigate this?
]]>I can’t actually use the plugin because when i try to activate the plugin, the backoffice just loads indefinitely whatever the page is, until the browser displays an error message saying that the site redirected me too many times. As soon as I deactivate the extension, everything works again.
]]>Follow in backoffice >language>string translation.
String translation does not show internal sentences of backoffice in a special plugin. it show somes strings but not the string wich interessed me.
In fact, the plugin send email, and i would like to translate the subject and body: not possible to translate because the string is only in english in backoffice.
]]>I have a kind of products that needs 100% time 12 same attributes to be filled, and also some others that are not mandatory.
Currently, for each product (tens of thousands to be created), I have to go to attributes tab, then add the 12 mandatory attributes one by one and fill them.
I’d like these 12 attributes to be added and shown by default.
Is that something we can do?
Thanks for your help!
]]>best regards,
Borja Echevarria
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When logged as admin I have a product (as an example) that shows 24.39€ VAT Included. If I am not logged as admin the price shows 30,00€ VAT Included.
The product price is defined as 30€ VAT Included.
What can be the problem?