I think there is a bug in the background slider extension, the overlay option does not work correctly, no matter how many times I try to select one of the overlays that appear in the drop-down list, the slider images are always shown the same, without any overlay. However, if I activate the custom overlay option without selecting a color, as soon as I activate it, the overlay starts to work and you can see a kind of grid with dots in the images (although with this option activated, it does not allow you to select another type of overlay style in the drop-down list, since it automatically disappears when the custom overlay option is activated).
On the other hand, I wanted to take the opportunity to ask you again for an improvement for the background slider extension that I have asked you for a long time but I see that you do not implement, and I think it would be very easy to do. It is about adding an option in the background slider extension that allows the images to be displayed in shuffle mode, that is, in a random way. Please, as I say, I think that this option would cost almost nothing to implement from a technical point of view and would allow to improve the background slider extension.
]]>I am putting together my first artistic work portfolio using Kadence blocks in WP and running into issues.
One is I used background slider for Art and Projects page but I am unsure how to add the captions to each image. When I go into edit the image and add captions/title/etc there, it still doesnt show up under the actual slide for whatever reason. What am I doing wrong? I wonder if someone here could advise.
Happy Holidays and thanks!
]]>Background slider displays correctly when we launch the english website. But, in the menu, when I choose french language, page block during the launch or code text appears.
When I deactivate background slider in Elements tab setting, the french page open itself correctly.
Other thing : when i open translate page (of TranslatePress) to translate words, the background slider doesn’t display. It’s code text which appear.
Somebody can help me, please ?
Thanks a lot.
]]>When in Elementor only 4 active items appear, Background Slider is missing…why?
Using OceanWP Theme, latest WP -V5.4.1 very basic template I have built myself using Elementor 2.9.10. I have ‘regenerate files & sync library’ using Elementor tools.
Any ideas?
Thanks Dennis
Thank you for help!
I am using version Elementor 2.9.5. (not the pro version)
]]>I’m having issue with Elementor Addon Elements background slider.
On the page aded you will see the first image in the first row is blurred .
Its made with the Elementor Addon Elements background slider.
Don’t know what’s causing this…
The second image on the second row Does Work goo with the background slider….
]]>This plugin rocks, but this premium version is even better:
And the support is superb. Highly recommended.
]]>I am looking for a Plugin that allows me to create several different Background Galleries/Slides for a Fotographer Website. I found some Plugins like Background Slider Master etc. but they are all not doing what I want. Maybe someone of you has seen a Plugin that does what I want. I need:
Disable autoplay
Add navigation arrows at the left and the right.
Add different galleries/slides for different pages.
Here i found an example, how it should look like:
Thanks so far for your help