is it possible to change the size of the background images in “cbParallax”? The plugin seems to be generating or loading images that are 1280px wide but my customer wants a better resolution of the images. I can’t find a setting and have no clue how to modify the CSS that is being put out…
Any idea how what I can do here?
Thanks and best regards
I try to modify the website with mesmerize pro.
I think it is not possible, to get a responsive picture on the frontpage with “hero”.
Its also not possible to optimize this with css, because the picture does not reduce the margin at the bottom.
.header-homepage {
background-size: 100%;}
how can i fix this problem? maybe i cannot see the solution?
maybe solution: how can i reduce the margin when the picture becomes smaller in mobile?
thank you for your help.
]]>I designed my own arrow in Photoshop, then uploaded the images to the media library and copy/pasted the code to the CSS of the theme (and I also changed the urls and linked them to the images in the media library). However, the new arrow doesn’t appear and it is just blank. How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance!
If possible I’d also like to know what settings I would need to change to make the homepage tiled with images as seen in the preview for Oren
Thanks in advance-
]]>Talking about this wonderful theme (Dynamic News Lite), I’ve added a no-repeating background image and now I’d like to change the CSS background-size to COVER.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english…