On the morning of 16.11. new findings appeared
Critical issues:
Problems of high severity:
All findings have been removed or corrected.
This morning (18.11.) scan detected 31 findings in which several backdoors were identified.
Can you advise me how to proceed to get rid of similar attacks? No unwanted activity is visible in activite.log.
Thank you
]]>Ce programme fournit un acc��s �� distance �� l��ordinateur sur lequel il est install��.
]]>If providing the code helps let me know, I made a backup of the file before fixing it.
]]>SUCURI is warning me about a backdoor in this file:
Definition: php.backdoor.file_get_contents.005
Looking at the file there is a line which says:
$json = @json_decode(@file_get_contents($_FILES[$key][‘tmp_name’]), true);
Not sure if this is the culprit. Can I place the whole file code in here so you can see if the file is correct?
Backdoor: PHP/PD9.5376 (A backdoor known as PD9).
Is this legit? How can I tell if it’s legit? And how, with WordFence enabled and 2-factor authentication enabled, and strong passwords, did this get into my site?
]]>File Path:
Warning: File modified (multiple changes):
./wp-content/plugins/advanced-google-recaptcha/advanced-google-recaptcha.php (old size: 1519; new size: 10300)
Please, find below a message from Wordfence about Backdoor from Slick Popup I am afraid about it because my website was invaded last days ago. I installed all thing again (together new the version Slick Popup PRO), I don’t know if this is a false warnin’:
File Type:?Not a core, theme, or plugin file from www.remarpro.com.
A WordFence scan today found a backdoor on my wp-config.php file:
“Details:?This file appears to be installed or modified by a hacker to perform malicious activity. If you know about this file you can choose to ignore it to exclude it from future scans. The matched text in this file is:?<?php\x0a/*25733*/\x0a\x0a@include
The issue type is:?Backdoor:PHP/payload.add.11956
Description:?Strange access of internal resources such as malware payloads“
I downloaded the file (VS Code) to search and delete the matched text, but couldn’t find this text. I’ve never edited a wp-config.php file before and would love some help.
Thank you!
]]>My only options are to delete file, view file or mark as fixed
]]>Our security scanner picked up these 2 files in the WooRewards directory. Could you take a look and see if they’re supposed to be there and why they would trigger a ‘backdoor’ warning? (Screenshot included below)
Malware Warnings
File Path: /wp-content/plugins/woorewards/modules/woorewards-pro/include/pointsflow/action.php
Warning: php.backdoor.file_get_contents.005
File Path: /wp-content/plugins/woorewards/modules/woorewards-pro/include/ui/shortcodes/easteregg.php
Warning: php.backdoor.generic.001.19
Thank you,