I am having an issue on my website. When I press the return or back button page, it shows an empty blank white page. This happends when using my android phone on Ecosia and Samsung internet navigators, as well as on Safari, but it does not happend using Edge or Firefox on a Windows PC.
Does anyone know how to fix this ?
Thank you very much.
]]>The issue I have is with returning to the main posts page after going to a single post further back than page 1, in Firefox.
In both Chrome and Safari, this happens:
But if I use Firefox, when I use the back button, it always returns me to page 1, no matter which post I was on, thus losing my place in the pagination.
Thanks in advance for looking into this!
]]>For example, a user chooses ETH then for some reason wants to change to BTC as payment, it`s clear how to do that. The user seems to be stuck with their original choice.
Maybe a “Go Back” or “Change Crypto” option on the page with the QR Code…
Unless I`m missing something.
]]>With the option “Show preloader immediately when a link is clicked.” the preloader remains on the page after pressing the back button in the browser and does not disappear. This has been tested on several websites.
WordPress is running on the latest version (6.03). There is no caching plugin on the test site and no other page optimisation like css minify, etc.
The error occurs with Chrome, Firefox and Opera. The latest version in each case. Only with Edge does the preloader disappear properly.
]]>Well, the page loads but the page does not refresh until scrolling down, this happens more frequently in mobiles… also at this same page the Back Browser button does not go back to the previous page instead it refreshes the same page.
I tryed all the possible optimization methods but does not work until I deactivate the plugin, then works great.
By the way 10Web is′t a great plugin.
]]>appreciate any solutions!
]]>With the PRO version of ARI Fancy Lightbox it’s possible to enable deep linking.
When deep linking is enabled, after opening the fancybox and presssing the browser Back button, it goes to the previous page instead of closing the fancybox and showing the current page where the fancybox was opened.
How can the PRO version with deeplinking work correctly with the browser Back button?