I am working on the tabs on my page. My tabs have usually worked fine but now there seems to be a problem. The first tab works fine but the next ones not: https://maxwin.fi/kennel-maxwin/pentueet/k-pentue/ If you try to click the 2nd etc. tab it takes you on the top of the page.
Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?
]]>The problem I have is that when I log in, at the left hand side all the tabs display correctly but nothing appears when they are clicked.
Dashboard, Home & Updates – NOTHING
Comments – NOTHING
Testimonials – WORKING / DISPLAYS
Appearance – NOTHING
Plugins – NOTHING
Settings – NOTHING
Has anyone else had this problem?
]]>I feel a bit lost with all the SEO fields to fill-in when writing some posts. I have my Yoast SEO zone, with Title Meta, description meta and so on, but also a Awake SEO zone, with the same fields.
How do I know which one to fill-in and if I fill both, which one will be considered by Search engines?
With the social linkage, I have already done some modifications in my code. If I do some other with the SEO Yoast will they overwrit them or not?
I don’t want to go too much into the details but want to better understand the framework and how Yoast interacts with Awake and WordPress.
THanks in advance!
]]>For other content types (page, post, etc.), one can choose to show sections for theme options, theme shortcodes, etc.
When creating or editing an event, these sections are not available under Screen Options. Only the standard options are there (custom fields, excerpt, etc.).
Any ideas about how to return these options?
]]>So I recently migrated a client’s WordPress website from Network Solutions to GoDaddy. Since the migration TimThumb is not functioning in the Awake theme. The thumb.php script will not pull images in.
When I go to the thumbs.php path (https://kevinross.net//wp-content/themes/awake/lib/scripts/thumb.php) I get the following error…
A TimThumb error has occured
The following error(s) occured:
No image specified
Query String :
TimThumb version : 2.8.2
You can see the issue at www.KevinRoss.net. Images are missing in the slider (botht he large images and the thumbnails) as well as thumbnails that should appear below in the recent news section.
I’ve searched high and low for solutions and tried everything I can get my hands on. I’ve changed permissions on important folders to 777 and 755. But still nothing.
I really need to get this up and running ASAP. Any and all help would be so appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I migrated a wordpress website from Network Solutions to GoDaddy last night. All worked perfectly except some parts of the Awake theme.
The homepage image slider is only bringing in 3 of the 7 images and the thumbnails for the slider are not being pulled in at all. There is also a recent news sidebar that is part of Awake that has thumbnails that are not being pulled in.
It is very strange. The image slider has all the images in place with absolute paths but still only 3 of the 7 images are being pulled into the slider. I’ve racked my brain endlessly and cannot see what the issue is.
Here’s a link to the testing server where I am working on the website. You will see the issues I’m talking about there…
I really need to get this up and running today. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks, sincerely.