I think I’ve seen a similar question pass by, but I cannot find it.
I update my tables automatically from a server, using the extension (which works great!). Nevertheless, on the table specific page, I have to manually change the ‘last update’ date line above the table. (e.g. see https://rentindicator.com/city-rent-averages/uk-rent-averages/london-rent-averages).
Is there a way to also automatically update the date of the last update, after an automatic import?
]]>I have two subsites hosted under one WP Multisite install (calandros.com & selectcellars.calandros.com) and I’ve got both of them pulling in new posts from the same Instagram account (@calandromkt). All set up on both subsites went just fine, as well as the steps to authorize the Instagram account. In addition, manual imports from the ‘Tools | Instagram Importer’ page work great on both. However, when it comes to automatic, cron-based imports, on one site (selectcellars.calandros.com), I have no issues getting the automatic import to occur via WP Cron – works like a charm to pull in new posts automatically. But the other site (calandros.com) simply will not automatically pull in posts. I’ve tried installing WP Crontrol to get more insight and to force the cron job to run, and nothing seems to work to allow the ‘dsgnwrks_instagram_cron’ job to work on calandros.com.
So with that, I have a few questions:
1. Are there any known issues with automatic, cron-based imports on multiple subsites in a Multisite WP install?
2. Where is the php code kept for the ‘dsgnwrks_instagram_cron’ job? Poking around in the code, I can’t seem to find it to see if there’s something I can do myself to debug further.
3. Are there any facilities in your Debug add-on plugin that may help in diagnosing and fixing this issue?
Thanks in advance,
]]>Sometime over the past month or two it seems that the Auto-Import Tables function for Tablepress quit working (at least it did on my site). It was working beautifully and then, somewhere along the way, it just stopped updating. Now I am back to having to manually upload files. I tried to search through past posts for this issue and could not find anything. Has this been reported before? Sorry if I missed it.
Usually I select to auto-update via URL, CSV (text file), Active and every 15 minutes… and this has always worked perfectly until recently. I have checked my URL in a browser and it is correct, but when I try to set the auto-uploader, it might work once or not at all.
When it didn’t work on schedule, I tried manually importing my txt file using the same URL. That did NOT work either. So maybe it’s having an issue with my URL (except that this always worked before). The only way it appears that I can update the file is to manually browse it on my PC and then upload it through the WordPress interface.
If I check the same URL I am using to update the document in a browser, it is correct, but the table will not update when using the URL. I can’t figure out why.
Unfortunately, I have already updated the document on my website so it may be difficult to test this. Here is one of the URLs I am using:
This is the page I am updating: https://tcarmls.com/tools/idx/idx-user-and-office-codes/
As mentioned previously, the page is correct now, but the auto-import utility is not working for URLs.
Thanks for any help you can offer! I really love the plugin! Thank you!!!
]]>I found this article on scheduling cron jobs within Hostgator cPanel but don’t know which command to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>I’m looking for a way to automate the import folder process.
I use good-sync to upload pictures to a folder as I receive them (sort of live) but I have to be here to keep importing the images after they’ve been uploaded so that they are displayed in the gallery.
Everything works perfectly the way I have it except for this one little thing.
Any ideas?
My SSTV & NOAA Weather Satellite Gallery:-
]]>I haven’t changed anything in a while so I’m not sure what I did.
The automatic import isn’t happening anymore.
Nearly any button I press on the Import page takes me to a 404 link and the following url: /wp-admin/admin-post.php
I’ve disabled plugins and tested again with no joy.
Let me know what I can do.
Thanks for all you do.