I’m sure this was working ok but now new users are being added as unconfirmed.
Mine is a membership site and all users accept our GDPR when joining, this explicitly states that they accept emails relating to the running of the site ( such as password resets etc ).
I do not want them to be able to unsubscribe to the emails ( they can do so by canceling their membership of course ). I do want to be able to send them simple emails like membership renewals being due. Definitely not marketing.
How can I do this? Was it Mailpoet v2 that allowed it? As I started with that then “upgraded” to v3.
Duplicating a post doesn’t mean it’s the exact same post or even same topic, there are various reasons why one might use a post duplicating plugin, mostly for maintaining a general post structure. Duplicate Post creates a new post ID number, but not sure what Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is using to identify each post and relevant subscriber list.
By the way, been using Subscribe to Comments Reloaded for many years. Incredible plugin!
]]>Thank you.
]]>There is any plan to develop or upgrade the current plugin to auto-subscribe (with optional opt-in) to a pre-selected list new user registrations or emails from WooCommerce orders?
Since e-Commerce is one the biggest usage for transactional emails service and for new subscribers gathering, I think that developers, marketers and SendGrid itself could benefit a lot with this update. Other mail marketing and transactional email services already provide this feature.
I’m glad to help with any featured related question.
Thank you.
]]>My site is appletechtalk.com and I am using the Simple Catch theme.
I am using the Subscribe2 plug-in on my site and would like to add the option to display a checkbox to subscribe at the bottom of the Comment box. I undersytand how it works but when I invoke it the text is wrapped and looks like this:
Check here to
for new
I would like it to look like this:
Check here to Subscribe to notifications for new posts
or at least like this:
Check here to Subscribe to
notifications for new posts
Is there a way I can make a simple change to correct the formatting of that text?
Thanks for your help.
]]>first of: thanks for providing this plugin and the support here in the forum! I’m using version 8.9 of the plugin to allow subscriptions to my blog. I have it configured to send twice daily digests. Now I’ve been debugging the scripts trying to figure out what is going wrong – none of my subscribers have received updates for my recent posts, while all seemed fine in the past. Sending a preview works, just like sending manual messages works.
Debugging led me to the following: the digest fails to send because it finds no subscribers. This in turn seems to be the case because the new posts are in a new category which did not exist at the time of subscription and thus no user seems to have an active subscription on. Now either I need to know a best practice, or I’ve been mishandling the configuration.
My use case is as follows:
I run a travel blog where registered users can read and subscribe. For each of my travels I create a new category that contains all posts specifically written for that trip. My subscribers have been subscribed for a year or two now.
I’m looking to achieve:
What do I need to do so that users are subscribed to the new categories? I found the setting ‘Compulsory Categories’ but from the mail I saw after activating it, it looked as if those users which are not subscribed to receive updates (see below) also receive notification.
Then I looked into my account setting (“Your Subscriptions”). It only shows ‘Receive periodic summaries of new posts’ but no options to register or deregister for specific categories. But in turn I assume this to be the switch that I should respect so that not all users receive mail if they do not want to.
Then I looked into the plugin settings and found ‘Option for Registered Users to auto-subscribe to new categories is checked by default’, which is activated. But still, I don’t know where I could even see or change this setting for a specific user?
Can you please help me with any of the following:
And in all cases I still wish to allow the users an overall disabling of the digest mails.
Thanks so much for your insight!
Best regards,
]]>In our situation, each contributor is assigned to a specific editor. I’d like each editor to only receive notification when one of their contributors updates their post’s status. I could do groups of one and use the filter from the above link, but that seems silly.
My setup is below. At the end of the two switches, I have one variable, $notify_user, that should be auto-subscribed on a status change. How do I hook that into Edit Flow?
function efx_auto_subscribe_user( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) {
global $edit_flow;
// Define editor for each author
switch( $post->post_author )
case 4: // Andy
case 9: // Sarver
case 6: // Ryan
case 7: // CJ
$editor = 5; // Jenn
case 5: // Jenn
case 10: // Jason
case 2: // Jim
case 8: // McKenzie
$editor = 3; // Jess
case 11: // Phil
case 12: // Deidre
case 3: // Jess
$editor = 4; // Andy
switch( $new_status )
case 'pending-review':
$notify_user = $editor;
case 'reviewed':
$notify_user = $post->post_author;
case 'draft':
case 'ready-to-publish':
$notify_user = 2; // Jim
// Return true to send the email notification
return true;
]]>I’m trying to add the “Auto-subscribe user groups for notifications” functionality and the code says, “You’ll need to get term IDs for your user groups and place them as comma-separated values.” How do I do this? Where do I find the ID’s? I have the user groups set up, but I’m not sure where to find the numerical ID’s.