For your information, I have this message format in settings:
And in setting I have Attach image = No.
Please consider my last 2 tweets (both auto).
Before pressing Publish at a new post, I did set Attach image = Yes (bottom of edit page).
The earliest of those two tweets is the result.
It looks ok, although in this particular case the post content is a bit confusing.
A portion of the video image is displayed, and I can see that the box text is picked up from the YouTube video description.
I would prefer just the image, but otherwise ok.
Then I made a minor correction to the post (still not pressing update), and changed the message format (at the edit page) to:
My presentation video of this website which has been uploaded to my YouTube channel, is now available at the site as well.
Attach image (bottom of edit page) was still = Yes (unchanged).
Then I updated the post.
The latest of those two tweets is the result.
By mistake the image is now gone (but the link still works).
And now the text is picked up from the post instead of the YouTube video.
What happened to the image and text ?
Is it possible to suppress the text so that only the image/video is displayed in full ?
How can I make a simple text tweet with no image or fancy box ?
Best wishes, Niels
]]>Please let me know if this is doable.
]]>I have a theme that shows images (in home, archive, category…) only from gallery tab
(so i can’t re-use an image to other posts). As you know an image can only get attached to 1 post. I found a plugin that you can attach an image to more posts, but it doesn’t work for this theme.
Does anybody know how to change the code so to use Featured images instead?
Is there a plugin out there that will enable me to do this?
Any advice would be very much apreciated.