* Adds the ability to sort products in the shop based on the SKU
* Can be combined with tips here to display the SKU on the shop page: https://www.skyverge.com/blog/add-information-to-woocommerce-shop-page/
function sv_add_sku_sorting( $args ) {
$orderby_value = isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) ? wc_clean( $_GET['orderby'] ) : apply_filters( 'woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby', get_option( 'woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby' ) );
if ( 'sku' == $orderby_value ) {
$args['orderby'] = 'meta_value';
$args['order'] = 'asc';
// ^ lists SKUs alphabetically 0-9, a-z; change to desc for reverse alphabetical
$args['meta_key'] = '_sku';
return $args;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_catalog_ordering_args', 'sv_add_sku_sorting' );
function sv_sku_sorting_orderby( $sortby ) {
$sortby['sku'] = 'Sort by SKU';
// Change text above as desired; this shows in the sorting dropdown
return $sortby;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_catalog_orderby', 'sv_sku_sorting_orderby' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby_options', 'sv_sku_sorting_orderby' );
]]>I’ve spent a lot of time adding the menu orders and now I’ve realized they’re backwards.
I’ve got 1 for our top product, 2 for our second best and 3 for the third best etc.
The problem is that the menu order is descending rather than ascending. 3 is above 1 and 2.
Can I reverse this somehow? in the options or the code?
]]>How do i order the sub-albums in ascending date (so that the newest album appears first)?
I have tried altering IV-D1 – but there only seems to be an option for descending
Many thanks
]]>Under tour dates: 1. I can’t manage to sort the dates by most recent date first. 2. Only make dates in the future visible.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
]]>I believe there are themes for self hosted wordpress sites that can do this, and if I have to I will cponvert it to a self hosting blog, but I am hoping there is a free wordpress.com way to achieve this?
Thanks very much
]]>I am developing a site with a Genesis child theme. I found a piece of code that apparently works, but I have not been able to get it too. I posted this code in my functions file. Do I need to add customer fields or customer post class?
has anyone tried to do this with this plugin?
thank you!
]]>1. Entered a Content Type > Basic > post_type
2. Activated your Content Type
3. Clicked on “View Sample Template” and followed those instructions
4. Now, let’s say you want to ‘display’ the entries inside your new post_type in alphabetical order …
5. On the new page that you created for the list to display in/on, you will see the green-background-white-push-pin button in your editing options panel, click on this button, it will open up a menu of options on how you would like to display your list.
6. In the list, for ‘Post Types’ tick the box for the post_type you are working with … you want the box BEFORE your post_type item not the box after.
7. Next, for the ‘Order’ choose ‘ascending’.
8. Next, see ‘Order By’ and type in there … post_title
9. What you will get is your list displaying in ascending order, ordered by post_title, and if you have made each post entry in the same format, this shortcode generator (the green-background-white-push-pin button) will produce a list that spits out in ascending alphabetical order, that is then hyperlinked back to the post. The shortcode will look like this on your page, [summarize-posts post_type=”rv_infosite” order=”ASC” orderby=”post_title”] but it will not display thusly, it will display your list. Viola.
10. Hope this helps any novice coming along who is gutsy enough to dive into operating this plugin with a very minimal understanding of code-language-function within computer language and database operations.
]]><?php query_posts($query_string . "&order=ASC"); $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts( $args ); ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post() ?>
This makes my homepage show the 3 oldest posts in ascending order, rather than 3 newest posts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.