When placing the same videos in the portfolio in the Flagship theme, the video turns white and spins as if it cannot find the video… If you know to click a second time over the middle of the video thumbnail, it then starts to play.
This occurs both when multiple portfolio items are displayed and where the single item is displayed.
We would like to make it so it works in one click.
We would also like to make it so if a visitor clicks on the Thumbnail Image from the top level of the portfolio (where all the items are listed), the visitor will be taken to the point where he then has the chance to read the description or play the video when he is ready (rather than having the video play like an embed at the top level)
Ideal behavior = Visitor clicks thumbnail image, is taken to playable video with description, can play video when ready.
this works with YouTube… How can this be accomplished with a streaming .mp4 video? Are we missing a step or setting? (Interesting note: when no thumbnail is used, the video plays on one click… But it has a black rectangle with a play button instead of a nice image until you play it)
We believe the bundled Avia portfolio has a built-in player, so these features may be part of what is wrong. Perhaps settings could be optimized, but we have tried various setting combinations. If JW player could be integrated or otherwise made to work with the portfolio, that may be an approach to consider…
Thank you in advance for any help with this. I expect it may be useful to others, as well…
]]>The video plays fine, but it continues to play after I close the modal box.
]]>In other words, regardless of embed method in WP 3.5.2 (iframe, object or WP built-in in-line post embed), Youtube playlists will only play on browsers which support Flash. On browsers where Youtube uses the html5 player, the playlist doesn’t work.
Try embedding this for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPr7_tr84zY&list=PLq3_zC_Xz0PgHlZdL6_aljNR1_UxCGGdr&index=1
I wonder whether the new video core functionality in WP 3.6 based on mediaelement.js will play Youtube playlists on flash-less browsers (like Safari or Chrome iOS) using the list parameter?
]]>Does anyone know how to take BitmapData or a ByteArray from Flash/AS3 and send it to the MediaLibrary?
$data =new stdClass();
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
if (!$user->guest)
$data->image_id = $tmp_id;
$data->image_url = $tmp_url;
$data->image_name = $tmp_name;
$data->user_name = $user->username;
$data->stage = 1;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->insertObject('#__image_data', $data, image_id, $data, image_url, $data, image_name, $data, user_name, $data, stage);
$query = " SELECT <code>image_url</code> FROM <code>#__image_data</code> WHERE <code>image_id</code> = $tmp_id ";
$results = $db->loadObject();
$img = $results->image_url;
echo "<img src='$img'>";
echo ' Owner: ' .$user->username;
And here is my my wordpress PHP code
mysql_connect("localhost", "Flexxall", "thunder") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO wp_image_data (<code>image_id</code>)
VALUES (<code>$tmp_id</code>)")or die (mysql_error());
echo 'Testing: ' . $temp_ID;
echo 'Owner: ' . $current_user->user_login . "\n";
Here is tha page PHP that is calling my catch.php if this matters
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
// Template Name: Catch template
include '../wordpress/wp-content/themes/responsive-child/catch.php';
<div id="logoImage" >
The error I get is Unknown column ’15’ in ‘field list’
and the # (15) corresponds to the link that AS3 is passing
I think that this ?page_id=81 is causing the issue but im not sure how to work around it.
Any suggestions ?
As you see, the url of the page is added at the beginning and of course, it does not work …
Frankly, I don’t understand …
Any idea ?
i use this for feeding swf’s with xml generated by wordpress
so, instead of giving myfile.xml as reference to flash, i give myfile.xml.php
example 1, config.xml.php, simple custom field query of post with id 101
require_once "../wp-load.php";
$phone = get_post_meta(101, 'phone', true);
$email = get_post_meta(101, 'email', true);
$xml = <<<EOT
echo $xml;
example 2, gallery.xml.php?id=POST_ID, full gallery of a post, got to feed the id in the url
require_once "../wp-load.php";
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
function GetGallery($idi){
$idi = intval($idi);
$img = array();
$results = get_children( array(
'post_parent' => $idi,
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'menu_order') );
foreach ( $results as $imagem )
$pic=wp_get_attachment_image_src( $imagem->ID, 'medium' );
$title = $imagem->post_title;
$txt = $imagem->post_content;
$img[] = array('href' => $pic[0], 'title' => $title, 'txt' => $txt);
return $img;
$GAL = GetGallery($id);
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n\n";
$xml .= '<gallery>' . "\n\n";
$xml .= '<options>' . "\n\n";
$xml .= ' <name>ONE OF MANY</name>' . "\n\n";
$xml .= '</options>' . "\n\n";
$xml .= '<pictures>' . "\n\n";
foreach($GAL as $jpg) {
$xml .= ' <pic>' . "\n";
$xml .= ' <bigimage>' . $jpg['href'] . '</bigimage>' ."\n";
$xml .= ' <info title="'. $jpg['title'] .'" desc="'. $jpg['txt'] .'" />' . "\n";
$xml .= ' </pic>' . "\n\n";
$xml .= '</pictures>' . "\n\n";
$xml .= '</gallery>';
echo $xml;
– path to wp-load.php, in these examples the files are inside /wp-content
– attention to the use of single and double quotes
i used 2 techniques to echo the xml, the first example uses one i discovered recently
i think the second example opens the door to very complex xml structures
you can try it saving the code as gallery.xml.php inside your wp-content, and then go to the address: https://yousite.com/wp-content/gallery.xml.php?id=ID-OF-DESIRED-POST
good luck