Please let me know where to find the Design Template for “Single Custom Post View” and also “Archive of Custom Posts”
Please let me know where to find the Design Template for “Single Custom Post View” and also “Archive of Custom Posts”
]]>I Love the way “Miyazaki” Theme orders posts in a “masonry” way, being chaplin so customizable, is ther a way to do this masonry archive in Chaplin?
If not, thanks anyway!
I have followed the instructions to create a child theme:
I have created an archive-cpt.php file but if I add it in the views folder, it does not recognize it.
Just recognize the file if I put it in the root folder of the child theme.
What is the correct way to use it?
Thanks in advance, greetings.
]]>Can I exclude specific pages in search results by placing this code in the fuctions.php file:
function jp_search_filter( $query ) {
if ( $query->is_search && $query->is_main_query() ) {
$query->set( 'post__not_in', array( 1,2,3,4,5,6 ) );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'jp_search_filter' );
Replacing 1,2,3,4 by post id e.g. 1294
Because the search results page built with elementor’s ‘archive post’ widget return thank you pages and so forth.
]]>// The following determines what the post format is and shows the correct file accordingly
echo ‘<div class=”post_wrapper”>’;
$format = get_post_format();
get_template_part( ‘includes/post-formats/’.$format );
if ($format == ”)
get_template_part( ‘includes/post-formats/standard’ );
echo ‘</div>’;
endwhile; else: ?>
I urgently need to archive some old blog posts and the post ‘archive’ option is missing from the drop down list. I have posted a screen shot below.
Kindly help
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>Please let me know the best way to make this happen.
Thank you
]]>Title of blog: Acoustic Folk
Archive: The Zoom A2.1U…..
Acoustic FolkThe Zoom A2.1U Acoustic Effects Pedal: An all-in-one Magic Box Effects Pedal
Posted by blairdare123 on 30th June 2012 in Home Page Posts