For example:
2. Products should be displayed here.
It is noticeable that the articles are very old. Newly created articles are all displayed. The articles that were created for the webshop start can no longer be found on the product page. Only via the direct link to the product or links to other products. We suspect that it was due to a correction by WP-Sweep, but cannot find a solution to the problem.
Does anyone have any idea what that can be?
Did somebody know plugins with this functions?
All the best
]]>Since I use MP3, the old Newsletters are not shown any more. How can i display the old and the new newsletters?
Thank you for helping me
I want to change the title and Description of the
Encyclopedia Archive page
for the moment it says
“encyclopediaName Archive SiteName”
Where can I change that?
I use the latest WP and Plugin version and the Yoast Plugin.
]]>Thx in advanced, Tom
]]>And does anybody have experience with automatic Import from tt_news?
Best from germany
I have created a taxonomy which I called Fakult?t, thats german and means faculty ;-), and I created a taxonomy-archiv, taxonomy-fakult?t.php.
I create in the Dashboard with the taxonomy Fakult?t numbers and
if I want to calling the posts with the faculty number 01, it doesn’t work, but if I calling a post with the faculty f01 it works and show me alls posts with f01.
So my question is, what can I do for using numbers? It seems to be that the wp_query and term can’t find posts with term equal to number.
This is my Code for the taxonomy-fakult?t.php
[Excessive code moderated. Please use a pastebin.]
]]>I have a problem with my archive page. When I click the link to the archive page I can see the overview with months, categories and so on. But when I click on a month, or a category, nothing happens, it just reloads the page. Maybe you want to have a look for yourself: (Archive link in the top left corner)
I’ve created a archiv.php with the following code:
Template Name: Archives
get_header(); ?>
<div id="container">
<div id="content" role="main">
<?php the_post(); ?>
<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php get_search_form(); ?>
<h2>Archives by Month:</h2>
<?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>
<h2>Archives by Subject:</h2>
<?php wp_list_categories(); ?>
</div><!-- #content -->
</div><!-- #container -->
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
afterwards I created a new empty page and gave it the template from archiv.php.
What can I do?
]]>I have a question on how to change my Smart Archive to do what i have in mind.
Just to explain what i would like:
The Archiv is perfeckt BUT i would like if you cklick on the months that only those months “blogs” schow up as links the way when you first click on Archiv and the same with the year, if you click on the year you get to the last post you made but i would like it to go to that year to show all the months with topics.
If you cklick on the Month it will show the last post in that month but i want it to show all the blogs in that month as a link like when you click the Archiv the first time.
I hope i explained it properly so someone can understand what i am wanting, sorry for my bad english.