<html><body><a href="https://updraftplus.com"> WordPress backups by UpdraftPlus</a> </body></html>
<deny users = "*"/>
deny from all
It is in the .htaccess file that all the problem, for the new version of the Apache web server
these parameters are obsolete, you can read more here,
it is recommended to use the new directives for access control, more details here.
Izvnite for my English – this is machine translation.
I hope you consider my recommendations. Thank you in advance!
After contacting our host to make the switch it PHP7 they told us that they’d have to update everything, including updating Apache to version 2.4.
I’ve done a few searches and I saw that there have been a few bug reports regarding Apache 2.4 incompatibility, mostly in the 5G function. I’ve checked the changelogs and I noticed partial compatibility for Apache 2.3 in update 4.1.5.
Was also sufficient to supply the needed compatibility with Apache 2.4?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
I have the latest version of WordPress(4.7.2) but was wondering, before upgrading my Apache server from 2.2 to 2.4, are there any known incompatibility issues? I found an article in the WordPress forums about changing “allow,deny” stuff in my .htaccess file to a new protocol. Is this the only difference?
]]>AH01797: client denied by server configuration:
There are some old support threads about this that are 1 year old but your plugin still doesn’t enter the correct rules based on the Apache version.
Rule Changes: (see Apache website upgrading to 2.4 from 2.2)
2.2 configuration:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
2.4 configuration:
Require all denied
In previous threads you said that it will be addressed but 1 year later and nothing has been changed. I’m having to update the code manually but this should not be necessary and many users may be unaware why there site is responding slow or losing connection in the admin.
Just for example:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
needs to be
Require all granted
]]>order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
even when it is running on Apache 2.4. Unless the access_compat module is enabled, this leads to a server error. When a future version of Apache drops even that support for the old way of doing things, this will affect you too
There’s an unofficial patch at the project’s git page.
]]>There is a main issue that cause a 500 internal error, all the directives like:
<Files license.txt>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
must changed to
<Files license.txt>
Require all denied
(ref. https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html)
is possibile to fix this in the plugin configuration?
Or hack the plugin’s code for updating this directive?