. Additionally, the codes are added to the header and footer for auto ads. Still, the CTR is low, approximately 0-1%. Kindly, help in this regard. Are the ads not working properly?
]]>Can you help me solve this problem?
My websites are: manualdeorquidea.com and biologiadigital.com.br
]]>How can I solve this problem?
My websites are: manualdeorquidea.com and biologiadigital.com.br
]]>I am using WP-quads plugin for ads insertion few day ago i have disable it after it ads are not shown on my website through this plugin. Also I have setup auto ads code in header of wordpress website but ads not shown also use google sitekit but ads still not shown on amp pages, Now i pasted amp code ads in jannah theme amp ads section ads are working but its limited to header and footer i am want to set auto ads on AMP from google or wp-quads plugin. Kindly help me in this regard
]]><script async custom-element="amp-ad" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-ad-0.1.js"></script>
Step 2: Copy and paste the AMP ad code in between the <body></body> tags of your pages
Place this code where you want an ad to appear. Do this for each individual ad unit, on every page.
<amp-ad width="100vw" height="320"
<div overflow=""></div>
Please guide me where can i add the code to display ads in amp page.
The plugin I am using is the default AMP plugin. It also publishes the theme exactly as AMP. So I wrote to theme support.