]]>We are having a little trouble with the Amenities / Icons on our website.
As you may have noticed by accessing the website, there are about 5 icons inclining that there is an Air conditioner in the room, whereas these 5 icons should be split up to be one for each room. By inspecting the page, we can see the line of code which is generating the Amenity and our actual question is, how do we locate the file in which this code persists, or is there any other way of removing/moving these extra icons?
The problem is that we are unable to contact the previous developer of the website to retrieve any information whatsoever, and if by any chance this is helpful, we suspect that they are somehow implemented into the custom theme which is being used.
<span class=”hotel-icon-117 hi-lg color-primary hi-boxed” data-toggle=”tooltip” title=”” data-original-title=”Air conditioning”></span>
We are more than grateful to anyone who intends to help us out!
]]>They do not offer any icon for the amenities, do you think your plugin can be used with this ? I need it to be seen on the front page only, i can select only the letters from back end when adding properties, but i need to customers to see each amenity with it s each icon. do you think this can be done ? can you have a look at the theme please? here is how they are actually shown, and i would like an icon for each of the amenity, feature
do you think if this is a good solution to install your plugin pro ? would it work with this ? also how would i go to install it with my current theme ? thanks a lot !
]]>cent_ht: 1lt_sz_unit: acreslse_trms: per_mntlse_type: ind_grscent_ac: 1frplce: 1
Seems to be a common problem because a google of ‘cent_ht lt_sz_unit’ turns up lots of sites that look like this. An example URL from the site I’m working on is:
I was not able to find a solution with google.