In the web server logs:
PHP Fatal error:? Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_encode_numericentity() in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-auto-links/include/core/_common/utility/interpreter/AmazonAutoLinks_DOM.php:162
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-auto-links/include/core/_common/utility/interpreter/AmazonAutoLinks_DOM.php(132): AmazonAutoLinks_DOM->_loadHTML()
#1 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-auto-links/include/core/_common/utility/AmazonAutoLinks_PluginUtility.php(209): AmazonAutoLinks_DOM->loadDOMFromHTML()
#2 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-auto-links/include/core/main/event/filter/AmazonAutoLinks_Main_Event_Filter_HTTPResponseCaptureCaptchaError.php(65): AmazonAutoLinks_PluginUtility::isBlockedByAmazonCaptcha()
#3 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-auto-links/include/core/main/event/filter/AmazonAutoLinks_Main_Event_Filter_HTTPResponseCaptureCaptchaError.php(48): AmazonAutoLinks_Main_Event_Filter_HTTPResponseCaptureCaptchaError->___getError" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /comment-subscriptions/?srp=652&srk=abd239e6b5d38cc0b85c0491b4d87729&sra=s&srsrc=f HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.
Additionally, trying to load the settings of the plugin fails and just show “Loading …”. Seems like this is the same issue as another user that just posted this. Every tab I click on has the same behavior – no settings are showing.
I don’t have an adblocker on, and everything was working great for a few weeks until just a few days ago – I haven’t added/changed any plugins, etc.
The Request of the Plugin can’t be cached, because the requests are POST not GET Request. This lead to Performance issues of big sites.
Do you have a solution for this problem?
]]>Oh instead:
But I would prefer to use the oEmbed method to add specific Amazon product URLs. Unfortunately, after following your directions, instead of Amazon thumbnails, the following alert appears on the Post front-end:
“Auto Amazon Links: Auto Amazon Links The Associate tag is not set. Please check your unit settings.
Auto Amazon Links: No products found.”
I have indeed confirmed that my longtime Associate ID has been set/saved in the Dashboard -> Auto Amazon Links -> Settings -> Associates. I have also added my Keys; but when I test them here and in Scratchpad, I get the following:
“Error! TooManyRequests
The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.”
No other applications use these keys
I have made several referrals in the past 30 days
NOTE: this site is currently under development, so is operating behind a password protection plugin (Hide My Site).
Please advise.
Thank you!
]]>After to enable your plugin, every thing i tried to search on my blog have the “?s=ai&ct_post_type=post%3Aamazon_auto_links” in the browser bar.
How can i do to disable/hidden in the browser bar the Aamazon_auto_links ?
]]>plugin settings says API connected, but when we try to test it says not working due to imitations.
Anyone else having this issue?
]]>This week I was configuring the plugin for Amazon Spain and it is going very well, thank you!!!
Today I registered with Amazon USA and added the information for the United States to the plugin in the “Associates” tab. I have also activated the geolocation option.
Now with the “hello free VPN” program I have entered the website pretending that I am browsing from the USA and now the links appear but not in the same format as those from Spain. In reality, the link does not lead to the product’s website on AMAZON USA but rather to the product search page on AMAZON USA (and normally the product does not exist). Also, if I click on the add to cart button, it takes me to the AMAZON USA website but it tells me that the cart is empty and very important: this link to add to cart has my Amazon Spain label and not Amazon USA.
I really don’t know how the links to AMAZON USA should work because I imagine that many of the products from Amazon Spain will not exist in Amazon USA. So I suppose that visitors to my website from the USA should be shown products from AMAZON USA and not products from AMAZON SPAIN with a link to search for the product on Amazon USA.
The link format is like this:”here_was_my_tag_of_usa”&k=B09V13Z29X
And the link for the add to cart button is this:”here_was_my_tag_of_spain”&SubscriptionId=AKIAJO3KBK36ECLN6DCQ&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJO3KBK36ECLN6DCQ&ASIN.1=B09V13Z29X&Quantity.1=1
]]>Current Selection
Could not retrieve the category list: this continues, try enabling?proxies.
That’s under current selection (even though I select nothing at all or everything or anything).
Other that that, all blank. Ideas?