Is it possible to use this plugin to paginate through woocommerce products alphabetically, based on product names?
]]>I’ve just started using this plugin and so far, it works really great. Today I’m making a table that I want to be sorted alphabetically by the names of some banks. I noticed that the automatic sorting order is placing a different priority on capital letters. For instance, one of my bank names is “BB&T” and the ascending sort order is placing this above “Bank of America.” If I were to make the second “b” lowercase “Bb&T”, then it sorts it below “Bank of America.”
I think that it should be sorted BELOW Bank of America regardless of whether or not that “B” is capitalized. Is there any CSS code that I can add to the table to override the default sort order priorities in order to make BB&T sort below “Ba__”?
Could you add simple “alphabetic order” feature by one click in your plugin?
Thank you!
]]>As per the title – I am wanting to alphabetise the list of members in the “Send to User(s)” area on the Email Users plugin. So currently when I want to select users, it’s difficult to find members (we have hundreds of users). If this was organised/ordered alphabetically it would make selecting users much easier!
Please can you advise how we do this?
Thank you!
]]>Sadly have not gotten any reply on this matter, so trying my luck here;
Hi Fahad,
I recently purchased the pro version of Alphabetic Pagination and was looking to set it up on parent page to alphabetically show the child pages of it. That is something concrete your plugin can do right? Or am I misunderstanding “filter your posts/pages and WooCommerce products with alphabets”?
If that is the case I would like a refund, but I assume I am just doing something wrong. Perhaps you can help me resolve it.
The shortcodes;
[ap_results class=”ap_results” type=”users_list”]
Both seem to work just fine. As in:
gives me the pagination which I further styled a little bit.
[ap_results class=”ap_results” type=”users_list”]
Gives me my user back (currently the only user as I am working on a dev version of the site).
But for the love of god, I cant seem to figure out how to get it to work with pagination.
For quick reference I have the following setup;
Implementation: Custom
Display on all lists? : No and selected nav_menu (tried others but also to no avail)
Hide/Show pagination if only one post available?: Show
DOM Position: #content
Language selection: English
Style: AP Classic
Alphabets in: Uppercase
Layou: Horizontal
Numeric Sign: Off
& as mentioned I am using the shortcode.
As I noted here;
You mention it needs different steps for the other listings (that was not super clear to be honest).
So lets follow that step again;
Step 1 – Done, the shortcode is on the mentioned page.
Step 2 – add_action(‘init’, ‘set_ap_query_3’);
Has been added, how should I actually tell which one to use?
Step 3 – add_filter(‘posts_where’, ‘ap_where’, 12);
Has been added
If you could help me out that would be wonderful of course
PS: I noticed WordPress keeps telling me there is an update for your plugin but that seems to revert me to NON pro version. How should I handle that?
Hope the author can get back to me.
Kind regards,