A subscription sign up form is then displayed on the front end within a normal wp page. There is a name field, and email field, and a subscribe button.
Will Clean Talk work with this form to protect my subscriptions?
Thanks in Advance for any assistance.
]]>(1) What are the limits of the free usage of the plugin?
(2) Does it have premium or pro subscription plans?
(3) Can it have unlimited number of email lists?
(4) Can it send unlimited number of emails?
(5) Can it integrate with external smtp servers?
(6) Does it have tracking and reports features?
Kindly respond to my questions as soon as possible.
Thank you.
]]>Today I was searching for a Newsletter PlugIn, my brother already had installed ALO EasyMail Newsletter some time ago. But we never really used it.
I was searching for an easier one (change the layout / design from the newsletter), and found yours… *which btw. I really liked*
I deactivated (ALO EasyMail Newsletter)
installation (Sendpress) was without problem, but after I activated it I got a blank backend page…
reentering the Dashboard was back to normal…
but after checking, I couldn’t get anymore into the subscribers / Users profils (to edit my own or anybody elses) – just got a blank backend page.
I deactivated it (Sendpress), and it worked normal again.
Reactivating it (Sendpress) got me the same “error”
So I deactivated it again and I activated the old one (ALO EasyMail Newsletter) …
Now I have a blank backend
the only thing I can see backend related is the AdminBar on the frontend.
Do you have any ideas how I could fix it?
like this maybe? or do you have any other suggestion for me??
btw. our Page is https://www.oetpo.org/
Thank you!
]]> imap.gmail.com
Port: 993
Requires SSL:Yes
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server – Requires TLS
Port: 465 or 587
Requires SSL: Yes
Requires authentication: Yes
Use same settings as incoming mail server
If your client does not support SMTP authentication, you won’t be able to send mail through your client using your Gmail address.
Its that last bit that I think is the crux of my problem. Is there a way to configure this to work with GMail?
Many thanks!
]]>I am using Alo EasyMail Newsletter for subscription. Now i would like to export the subscribers list as in the CSV format. could anyone help me.
Thanks and regards,
Rajeev. S