Here are example shortcodes I’ve tried:
This shortcode works great: [photonic type=’flickr’ view=’photos’ user_id=’151210219@N03′ tag_mode=’any’ sort=’relevance’ privacy_filter=’1′ caption=’title-desc’ layout=’random’]
This was created with the shortcode generator, but it doesn’t show anything. I’m interested in searching all users for photos by a search term with this shortcode.
[photonic type=’flickr’ view=’photos’ tags=’alaska’ tag_mode=’all’ text=’alaska’ sort=’relevance’ privacy_filter=’1′ columns=’auto’ layout=’square’]
Troubleshooting I’ve tried:
I’ve deleted the plugin as well as any tables and options that I could find, and then I reinstalled the plugin and set it back up. It still doesn’t work.
I’ve looked for plugin conflicts, but I didn’t find any.
I’ve authorized it with Flickr multiple times, but it still doesn’t work.
Do you know what could be interfering with some shortcodes but not others? If you are interested in taking a look, I can share login credentials and links (they are currently behind a Coming Soon page).
Thanks in advance for any help you can give,
Ich als Admin einer WP Installation will dem Besitzer der Domain (Redakteur User Role) zugriff auf die WP-Statistic geben. Weder mit UserRole-Editor, noch mit Admin Menu Editor, Advanced Access Mannager noch Adminimize kann ich einem User ein Menüpunkt sichtbar machen. überall kann ich nur ausschalten was er nicht sehen k?nnen soll, aber nicht einschalten was ich im erlauben will. Nun wird WP-Statistics standardm??ig keinem anderen au?er dem Admin angezeigt. Wird also schon per se ausgeschaltet.
Gibt es eine M?glichkeit, die Administrator-Rolle zu duplizieren und entsprechend zu beschr?nken?
Oder gibt es die M?glichkeit, das alle angemeldeten User die Statisik sehen k?nnen?
Es gibt defakto nur den Betreiber der Domain, der jedoch gern mal die Statistik sehen m?chte, ansonsten aber keine n?heren Admin-Rechte bekommen soll(aus Mangel an Erfahrung ist das sicherer) und mich.
Gru? Webfuzzy
]]>Is there a way to set up those sharing options for all users?
]]>The search correctly works, but if no member is found, the plugin doesn’t show an error, or a message, instead it shows all members, like no filter is applied.
Can this be solved or is my configuration wrong?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I have been using your plugin for a while now and it’s really helpful. However, I want to implement User history login data into a webpage, so I do not have to enable admin permissions for site managers.
However, when I add the shortcode with a custom parameters:
[user_login_history columns=user_id,username,role,browser,operating_system,duration,time_last_seen,time_login,time_logout,login_status]
It only seems to display my own login history, not all users.
Could you please help?
Many thanks,
This plugin has been updated to work with latest version.
Please have a look and updated your review.
i am using wp-ai v2 with oauth.
i granted access to my application (i am admin on my site).
i searched the last 2 hours on the www, and nothing found.
I just want a list of _all_ my registered WP users. extra: filtered by role.
I mean, jeah, i read that only authors are “published” by WP to the api. i know that.
i read also, that i need the permissions or a specific role, or what the heck ever – but how could i give permissions to an application?
when i edit my app in wp i can’t set any permissions. it also doesn’t have any role.
i mean, i could imagine that this isn’t too complicated to archive. and also the thing i read before was: add this to your official API documentation, just as a note in the first few lines. i often read about the problem now, but never saw a solution for it.
Background for my specific problem is:
I have a guild, managed by a wordpress site. i also have a discord server with a bot. what i want to archieve:
i give the permissions to a registered wp user (not an author! just a member) in wordpress, the discord bot calls the wp api, checks the role, and set the permissions equivalent on discord.
discord uses rest api, wp-api is a rest api, perfect.
so, tell me, either what i have to configure to get a _full_ memberlist of registered users from the wp-api or maybe a code_snippet how i have to extend the api.
and yes, i think this is a very common issue here on the api. an example couldn’t be that bad.
sry, but i’m very frustrated, that after hours of digging the only answer i found was nothing…
]]>I want to allow all users assigned any WordPress role to view and edit their membership in User Groups within their Profile. Is this possible?