I’m experiencing an issue with the alignment of icons on the following page of my website, which uses your Directorist plugin:
Currently, the icons are slightly misaligned relative to the text, which affects the layout. Upon inspection, the HTML code generated for the icons looks like this:
<div class="directorist-listing-card-radio"> <i class="directorist-icon-mask" aria-hidden="true" style="--directorist-icon: url(...);"></i> Condition: Occasion </div>
To fix this issue and improve both the alignment and semantic structure of the HTML, I suggest replacing the <div>
with a <li>
when icons are used within lists. Here’s an example of the adjusted structure:
<li class="directorist-listing-card-radio"> <i class="directorist-icon-mask" aria-hidden="true" style="--directorist-icon: url(...);"></i> Condition: Occasion </li>
If this change isn’t feasible, I recommend reviewing the CSS associated with .directorist-listing-card-radio
and .directorist-icon-mask
to ensure proper alignment of the icons visually.
Thank you for your assistance, and please let me know if you need any further information.
Best regards,
my checkout page in woocommerce (with Ocean WP theme) has fallen apart.
ship_to_different_address should be aligned left and should be under the woocommerce-billing-fields. But it is on the right side on the top.
And the order details and shipping methods and the privacy polcy ect should be on the right side on desktop.
On mobile and tablet looks fine.
Could you help me please ?
]]>my checkout page in woocommerce (with Ocean WP theme) has fallen apart.
ship_to_different_address should be aligned left and should be under the woocommerce-billing-fields. But it is on the right side on the top.
And the order details and shipping methods and the privacy polcy ect should be on the right side on desktop.
On mobile and tablet looks fine.
Could you help me please ?
WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce (Premium) and
WPC Variations Radio Buttons for WooCommerce.
I’m not sure how I can align the plus and minus buttons on one row next to the quantity number. by default those buttons are vertical on my website (I’m using elementor).
Can you please help?
Thank you
In WordPress > GeneratePress, when you insert an image, you have 6 default options to decide about the alignment of the image. I especially like the second option to align right.
To respect Amazon’s guidelines, I need to insert the ready-to-use code snippet below they offer if I want to use their images on my blog. To dos so, I copy and paste it into a Customized HTML block.
<a href="https://www.amazon.fr/Fauteuil-Relaxation-Naturel-inclinable-r%C3%A9glable/dp/B07YMZ73Y7?th=1&linkCode=li1&tag=h70-21&linkId=624070f16646e69b88b22327004a9181&language=fr_FR&ref_=as_li_ss_il" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//ws-eu.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07YMZ73Y7&Format=_SL110_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=FR&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=h70-21&language=fr_FR" ></a><img src="https://ir-fr.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=h70-21&language=fr_FR&l=li1&o=8&a=B07YMZ73Y7" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
As such, how can align this image right since it is a link?
As easily as a one-click button when I need to do so on an image I inserted from my WordPress media?
What can i do?
]]>Happy new year hope you are all doing well. I got a question for you. I am trying to get the picture in the first section over the whole right site. There is no option in my builder for just one row to be strechted. Its either all columns or none. Tried different css solutions but didn’t get any results that work also responsive. Maybe one of you could help me out here.
Thanks in advance and have a nice week!