I can’t find a similar option for the shop pages though. As such, the buttons are just kind of staggered and chaotic. Is there an “Align Buttons” option I’m missing somewhere?
If not, you should definitely add this to future versions.
In the mean time, is there a simple way to align buttons vertically?
My theme is The7 which is very popular so you’d think this could be resolved.Anyway, please take a look.
I have in Woof the setting: JavaScript code after AJAX is done – wooAlignButtons();
This is a major improvement on align buttons. But still. Sometimes depending on how many filters you use, the buttons are not alligned (due to some products with no price or review) There are two workarounds I use: an extra browser refresh or removing the ‘&paged=1’ from the adress.
Is there any additional solution? Or is it possible to get all filterd products on one page? (so no paged=x anymore)
]]>this Plugin is not working with Astra …:
]]>When Woo filters and you get more than one page, the plugin doesn’t work anymore.
You can see this in the adress where &paged=1 appears.
https://vinoamore.nl/winkel/ – works fine
https://vinoamore.nl/winkel/?swoof=1&product_cat=frankrijjk&paged=1 – is a mess
]]>And the problem is only on mobile. The rest is working perfectly.
]]>I’m using Astra theme for this site with Elementor Pro editor. After installing this plugin, my buttons aligned well when viewed on the WP editor. However, on the live website they’re invisible. How do I reverse this?