When using the Site Aliases feature, the rewrite from DomainA to DomainB does appear correctly in the config page however the Location returned in the site headers when accessing DomainA is also DomainA resulting in an infinite redirect loop.
I’m not sure where in the stack this would be happening, as the site’s root domain is correct (DomainB) and the preview of the rewrite shows the DomainA->DomainB properly.
Thanks for any help!
]]>I’m reviewing the URLs of my website pages. When the site was built, the page URLs didn’t all follow the parent/child structure. I would like to correct this, to support our SEO. However, I’m mindful that if I simply change the URLs and connect them to their parents then anyone who uses the original URLs won’t be able to see the pages. So I would like to retain the original URLs somehow – would that be as aliases? I can’t find a place in WordPress to create friendly URLs/aliases/redirects.
I’m nervous about breaking any pages and would be grateful for any advice on tackling these URLs in a straightforward way.
Many thanks.
]]>Por exemplo, meu cliente compra na minha loja, e esse pedido entra no Bling, porém quando o pedido entra no Bling, ele vai como se o cliente n?o tivesse escolhido nenhuma op??o de frete.
Ent?o, conversei com o time de tecnologia do Bling, e eles descobriram o seguinte (a mensagem a seguir é do próprio time de suporte do Bling)
“Pelo que verifiquei, estes pedidos, est?o vindo sem o Alias logístico da plataforma.
Recebemos o Alias na tag “method_id”, ou seja, como está vindo esta informa??o em branco, n?o temos como conectar com o servi?o logístico da integra??o da Kangu.
Neste caso, o ideal é confirmar com seu desenvolvedor sobre a quest?o da inclus?o dos Alias na requisi??o dos pedidos”
Pelo que entendi, parece que é necessária alguma altera??o no código do plugin do Kangu para que o Bling entenda qual foi o tipo de frete selecionado pelo cliente.
Mais alguém tem esse erro no site?
]]>Gmail currently ignores this value if it is different from the OAuth Email Address.
It works fine, but you must first add it as per these instructions in Gmail’s settings under Accounts > Send mail as.
Another issue is that when using the form in the Test Email tab, the fields are not stripped of backslashes (I hope that’s not a problem elsewhere in your form handling), and the whitespace in the Message box is not preserved (ends up as a single line of text).
Besides that, thanks for this great plugin.
CPanel deployment with a multisite/network configuration on 6.1. Domains are aliases and everything seems to live in one webroot. I honestly don’t remember how to got them to map but they “work”.
I recently went on an “update everything” spree after noticing some strange logs and managed to enable “force HTTPS for all sites”. I know HTTPS is the standard, but I have 2 very basic sites that are quite literally 5 pages of information with no blogs or accounts etc. I thought it would be trivial to simply grab a couple Lets Encrypt certs for the sites but it’s proven to be too great a challenge (or I simply haven’t found the right multisite-ssl-for-dummies walkthrough).
My pain CPanel domain was auto-provisioned with a free cert from the hosting provider and it is working just fine with HTTPS. The rest of the sites (parked/aliases) are not. They are all complaining about a mismatch in the common name (they are mapped to TLD and not subdomain/subfolder).
What I really want to do is just flip all the sites back to HTTP but I cannot for the life of me figure out where it’s being forced. I have checked the HTACCESS and WP-Config files, have checked the site settings in the network config and every plugin I could think of, but none of that is what is (obviously) forcing HTTPS. I took a quick look at the database but have no idea where I would even find this value there.
I’m really hoping this rings a bell for someone. I’d be happy to provide additional context/information. MANY thanks in advance.
I am using essential grid to display custom galleries on my posts and pages. If I want to use one grid, it works fine. If I want to use more than 1 grid, the grid (and associated alias) have to be different. This is inconvenient for posts or pages in which I would like to display several grids. If I use the same grid multiple times on one post, only the last one shows up. I’ve tested this by creating 3 different pages showing different scenario:
– Page 1 shows 2 duplicate grids with 2 different aliases
– Page 2 shows 2 identical grids with the same aliases, only the second grid shows
– Page 3 shows 3 identical grids with the same aliases, only the last grid shows
Currently, I have duplicated my first grid (11 times) in order to have 12 different aliases for multiple grids to display properly. This works but is pretty silly if I ever want to change a setting within the grid. I haven’t found a solution to this in my searches and yes, I’ve tried deactivating all plugins to fix this.
Is it even possible or do essential grids used on the same page/post have to have different aliases?
Thanks for any input
]]>in case a web site is set up to be displayed at two domain names (ex. using a plugin WP Hydra), the generated sitemap’s full URLs take a wrong domain name, this should be fixed.
they should list links based on the domain in URL.
between them.
If you enter
you get
That is: blueeyes.seventh-star.net and sailormoon.seventh-star.net
But I have a ton of other WordPress sites on the same install: atw.seventh-star.net, for example. But these don’t show up as aliases in my cPanel, and I’m trying to figure out why JUST those two would need it. I only have a limited number of aliases, so I don’t want to use them if I don’t have to.
I tried deleting the blueeyes.seventh-star.net ALIAS in cPanel (nothing in WordPress, nor anything anywhere else) and it broke the whole thing– the site became inaccessible!
I have the Domain Mapping plugin, Multi-Domains for Multisite, but I’m not sure if they interfere with one another or anything else. The other thing I can think of is Contact Form 7, since I know that having an email address that matches the domain of the website is important for validation, and in order to add a “fake” email address (e.g. [email protected]) to the settings, perhaps that’s why an alias exists…?