I’m using the DIVI, in DIVI i’ve added a “Code” block with the following code :
async function fetchExchangeRate() {
const apiKey = ''; // Ta clé API
const response = await fetch(https://api.exchangerate.host/live?access_key=${apiKey}&source=CHF¤cies=EUR&format=1
const data = await response.json();
if (data.success) {
return data.quotes['CHFEUR']; // Retourne le taux CHF/EUR
} else {
console.error('Error fetching exchange rate:', data.error);
return null;
#currency-converter {
font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
#currency-converter label,
#currency-converter input,
#currency-converter p {
font-family: 'Verdana', sans-serif;
<div id="currency-converter">
<label for="chf-input">Entrez le montant en CHF :</label>
<input type="number" id="chf-input" placeholder="0" />
<p id="exchange-rate">Taux de change CHF/EUR : <span id="rate-value"></span></p>
<p id="bank-result">Banques : <span id="bank-value"></span></p>
<p id="provider1-result">Prestataire 1 : <span id="provider1-value"></span></p>
<p id="provider2-result">Prestataire 2 : <span id="provider2-value"></span></p>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const inputField = document.getElementById('chf-input');
const rateField = document.getElementById('rate-value');
const bankResultField = document.getElementById('bank-value');
const provider1ResultField = document.getElementById('provider1-value');
const provider2ResultField = document.getElementById('provider2-value');
// Appel de la fonction pour récupérer le taux de change
async function fetchExchangeRate() {
try {
const response = await fetch(fetchExchangeRate.ajax_url + '?action=get_exchange_rate');
const data = await response.json();
if (data.rate) {
console.log('Taux de change:', data.rate); // Log pour vérifier le taux
return data.rate; // Retourne le taux CHF/EUR
} else {
console.error('Error fetching exchange rate:', data.error);
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fetch Error:', error); // Log pour les erreurs de fetch
async function convertCurrency() {
const chfAmount = parseFloat(inputField.value);
if (isNaN(chfAmount) || chfAmount <= 0) {
const exchangeRate = await fetchExchangeRate();
if (exchangeRate) {
rateField.textContent = exchangeRate.toFixed(4); // Affichage du taux de change
// Calcul des résultats avec les pourcentages modifiés
const bankRate = exchangeRate * (1 - 0.02);
bankResultField.textContent = (chfAmount * bankRate).toFixed(2).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ' ');
// Calcul pour provider 1 en fonction des plages de montants
let provider1Rate;
let adjustedAmount = chfAmount;
if (adjustedAmount < 5000) {
adjustedAmount -= 5; // Retirer 5 CHF du montant saisi
provider1Rate = exchangeRate * (1 - 0.05);
} else if (adjustedAmount >= 5000 && adjustedAmount <= 49999) {
provider1Rate = exchangeRate * (1 - 0.005);
} else if (adjustedAmount >= 50000 && adjustedAmount <= 99999) {
provider1Rate = exchangeRate * (1 - 0.004);
} else if (adjustedAmount >= 100000 && adjustedAmount <= 249999) {
provider1Rate = exchangeRate * (1 - 0.0025);
} else if (adjustedAmount >= 250000 && adjustedAmount <= 1000000) {
provider1Rate = exchangeRate * (1 - 0.0012);
if (provider1Rate) {
provider1ResultField.textContent = (adjustedAmount * provider1Rate).toFixed(2).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ' ');
} else {
provider1ResultField.textContent = '';
// Calcul pour provider 2 (0.25% peu importe le montant)
const provider2Rate = exchangeRate * (1 - 0.0025);
provider2ResultField.textContent = (chfAmount * provider2Rate).toFixed(2).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ' ');
function clearResults() {
rateField.textContent = '';
bankResultField.textContent = '';
provider1ResultField.textContent = '';
provider2ResultField.textContent = '';
inputField.addEventListener('input', convertCurrency);
This works perfectly. But if you inspect the code, of course, we found the API key that’s not clean
I’ve tried to create a WordPress extension, i’ve created a folder /wp-content/plugins/fetch-exchange-rate with 2 files
fetch-exchange-rate-api.php :
Plugin Name: API Taux de Change
Description: Plugin pour récupérer le taux de change CHF/EUR.
Version: 1.0
Author: Ton Nom
// Fonction pour récupérer le taux de change
function get_exchange_rate() {
error_log('get_exchange_rate function called'); // Log pour vérifier l'appel
$apiKey = '';
$apiUrl = "https://api.exchangerate.host/live?access_key={$apiKey}&source=CHF¤cies=EUR&format=1";
// Effectuer la requête à l'API
$response = wp_remote_get($apiUrl);
if (is_wp_error($response)) {
error_log('API Request Error: ' . $response->get_error_message());
echo json_encode(['error' => 'Failed to retrieve exchange rate']);
// Récupérer et retourner le taux de change
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
$data = json_decode($body, true);
if (isset($data['success']) && $data['success']) {
$rate = $data['quotes']['CHFEUR'];
echo json_encode(['rate' => $rate]);
} else {
error_log('Invalid API Response: ' . print_r($data, true));
echo json_encode(['error' => 'Failed to retrieve valid data']);
wp_die(); // Arrêter l'exécution après l'envoi de la réponse
// Enqueue le script JavaScript
function fetch_exchange_rate_enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script('fetch-exchange-rate-script', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'script.js', array(), '1.0', true);
wp_localize_script('fetch-exchange-rate-script', 'fetchExchangeRate', array(
'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), // Vérifiez cette ligne
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'fetch_exchange_rate_enqueue_scripts');
// Ajouter une route AJAX pour l'appel c?té serveur
add_action('wp_ajax_get_exchange_rate', 'get_exchange_rate');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_get_exchange_rate', 'get_exchange_rate');
script.js :
// script.js
async function fetchExchangeRate() {
try {
const response = await fetch(fetchExchangeRate.ajax_url + '?action=get_exchange_rate');
const data = await response.json();
if (data.rate) {
console.log('Taux de change:', data.rate); // Log pour vérifier le taux
return data.rate; // Retourne le taux CHF/EUR
} else {
console.error('Error fetching exchange rate:', data.error);
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fetch Error:', error); // Log pour les erreurs de fetch
// écouteur d'événement pour le champ de saisie
document.getElementById('chf-input').addEventListener('input', async function() {
const amount = parseFloat(this.value);
if (isNaN(amount) || amount <= 0) {
console.error('Montant invalide');
const rate = await fetchExchangeRate();
if (rate) {
console.log('Montant en CHF:', amount);
const convertedAmount = (amount * rate).toFixed(2);
console.log('Montant converti en EUR:', convertedAmount);
// Ici, tu pourrais mettre à jour un élément de la page pour afficher le montant converti
The goal is to change the function fetchExchangeRate from my frist code to something like following code
try {
const response = await fetch(fetchExchangeRate.ajax_url + '?action=get_exchange_rate');
const data = await response.json();
if (data.rate) {
console.log('Taux de change:', data.rate); // Log pour vérifier le taux
return data.rate; // Retourne le taux CHF/EUR
} else {
console.error('Error fetching exchange rate:', data.error);
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fetch Error:', error); // Log pour les erreurs de fetch
Sadly it doesn’t work. What is wrong ? What should i fix ?
Thanks a lot
]]>I added this to wp-config.php and it works for everything except ajax calls, which keep getting called over the site_url which is the database (internal url, not proxified) for proxy users.
/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MS_PROXY']) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MS_PROXY'] == 'AzureAD-Application-Proxy')) {
$host = 'ourwebsite-external.msappproxy.net'; }
else {
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; }
//$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$protocol = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']===443)) ? 'https://' : 'https://';
define('WP_SITEURL', $protocol . $host);
define('WP_HOME', $protocol . $host);
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');
How can I get the site to set the ajaxurl so that it uses the proxy address for external users and the regular site address for our intranet users?
]]>I already did some research and tried some proposed fixes but nothing helped.
We are on WP 5.5 and the latest Elementor 3.0.5 but since some time (don’t know exactly since which update of WP or Elementor), we always get the error popup “AjaxURL has NOT been defined” when trying to edit a page with Elementor.
It happens with blank new pages as well as with existing ones.
After closing the message, editing seems to work ok and there are also no JS errors in the frontend as far as I can see.
We also use Caldera Forms with Ajax in the frontend without any issue.
Thus, it seems to be just a problem with Elementor in edit mode.
But, frankly, this does not give me any relief.
Any clue how to fix this?
I believe there’s a conflicting JS variable “ajaxurl” – the browser console is reporting following error, in the admin dashboard page and customizer:
TypeError: ajaxurl.indexOf is not a function
The code in question is here (just a fragment), showing that it actually belongs to Polylang JS code (the “pll_ajax_backend”):
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
if ( -1 != options.url.indexOf( ajaxurl ) || -1 != ajaxurl.indexOf( options.url ) ) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof options.data ) {
options.data = ( 'get' === options.type.toLowerCase() ) ? 'pll_ajax_backend=1' : {"pll_ajax_backend":1};
} else {
... the rest of the code
What are yout thoughts about this?
Can you confirm that this issue exist, and if so, when do you believe it would the fix be available?
]]>The client noticed another script (custom scripted) was failing on a couple pages of their site. We checked logs, and found that the following errors were being generated by WP RSS Aggregator:
ReferenceError: ajaxurl is not defined admin-notifications.js:10:0
TypeError: jQueryCallback is not a function render:1:0
When we deactivate the plug-in, everything works again (except the plug-in, of course), mostly likely because it is the errors from WP RSS Aggregator that are causing the rest of the JS on the page to fail loading.
Are there any known issues with the latest version of the plug-in, and/or is there a temporary fix we can use until the next version is available, or is there something else the client needs to know about running the plug-in in order to prevent it from throwing errors?
Thank you!
]]>This has resulted in breaking the front of the site although the back end appears to be working OK. When you try and add an item to the cart, the loading icon just hangs forever and I can see I now have 404 messages generated within Firebug for files such as;
even though you can actually browse to the file. I’ve also spotted a couple of instances of CORS blocking with the admin-ajax.php file because it’s referencing it over https when the site is only hosted over http. From what I can gather, this may be a problem with the variable ajaxurl, but I can’t find where this is set at all.
I’ve literally spent hours trying to find out what the cause of the problem(s) is/are and how to fix it/them but to no avail. Can anybody provide some pointers please? I’ve tried deactivating all other plugins except for WP eCommerce and Gold Cart to rule out issues with other plugins and I’ve tried saving the Permalinks settings several times in case these somehow got screwed up. No luck so far.
Thanks in anticipation.
]]>This has resulted in breaking the front of the site although the back end appears to be working OK. When you try and add an item to the cart, the loading icon just hangs forever and I can see I now have 404 messages generated within Firebug such as;
even though you can actually browse to the file. I’ve also spotted a couple of instances of CORS blocking with the admin-ajax.php file because it’s referencing it over https when the site is only hosted over http. From what I can gather, this may be a problem with the variable ajaxurl, but I can’t find where this is set at all.
I’ve literally spent hours trying to find out what the cause of the problem(s) is/are and how to fix it/them but to no avail. Can anybody provide some pointers please? I’ve tried the usual tests to rule out issues with the plugins and I’ve tried saving the Permalinks settings several times in case these somehow got screwed up. No luck so far.
Thanks in anticipation.
]]>I have password protected the “wp-admin” directory.
On front-end, I looking at view source and search for “wp-admin” I see a reference here…
var EM = {"ajaxurl":"http:\/\/example.com\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","locationajaxurl":"http:\/\/example.com\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php?action=locations_search
Therefore, htpasswd prompt!
Can you help resolve this please? Suggestions? Recommendations? Fixes? Sorry, we cannot remove htpasswd from wp-admin directive.
Thx for help
]]>I fixed it commenting out the code:
wp_enqueue_script( ‘dashboard’ );
in file PlulzAdminClass.php on line 91. Still not sure if this breaks something, even if it doesn’t seem so. Maybe this info can be useful for the plugin’s next versione
]]>this error is killing any other JS on the page, for example social connect plugin just cannot work …
can somebody please check this? or, any idea how i can solve the conflict?
Thanks a lot, btw it is an amazing plugin