It seems to me AIOSP is correctly defining my blog’s featured images as og:image metadata, but for some reason they’re not being used by Google+ unless the image itself appears on the post’s header.
For example, this was shared correctly with the image of the dog:
However, in this post, although the laptop’s image is set as featured, Google+ used the autor’s avatar:
Any way to fix that?
]]>My homepage’s (which is a static page) title is currently being shown as %blog_title% – %blog_description%
, as you can see here:
However, it’s not setup that way anywhere on All in One SEO Pack.
A few of my settings (it’s in Portuguese, by the way):
So where’s that coming from, exactly? How do I fix it?
]]>We’ve just began using All in One SEO Pack on our site today, and so far there’s only one thing bothering me.
My posts have two og:image URLs on their source codes. Look at this one, for example:
There’s <meta property="og:image" content=""/>
on line 39 and <meta property="og:image" content="">
on line 168.
Why is that? How can I remove one of them?
]]>I have very strange issue about your plugin.
Read That:
I CAN change WPML all settings with (10 sub WPML plugin)
I CAN change theme settings and all working
I CAN change gravity Form settings
I CANT change aiosp any settings (never change, nothing)
I CANT change Home page title, desc even cant change static home page title as well.
I CANT delete any plugin via wordpress admin
But, Look at that,
I CAN install any plugin from WordPress plugin pool
I CAN change post title, desc title !!!
i have 10+ wordpress user i never see any kind of issue like that….
]]>First of all thank you for this plugin.
It’s awesome. Also thank you for Social extension.
I want ask you to add one more option for All in One Seo Pack OpenGraph extension: custom default og:images for different post types.
Thing is I have blog and portfolio on my website and in simple “post” post type I use first image in content as og:image, and in “works” I use thumbnail.
I already add a few lines to your extension on my server to add this function, but I hope you’ll add this function in your future versions!
Here the code I’ve inserted in file /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/aioseop_opengraph.php to add thumbs for works:
/* Data Validation */
$title = strip_tags( esc_attr( $title ) );
$sitename = strip_tags( esc_attr( $sitename ) );
$description = strip_tags( esc_attr( $description ) );
if ( empty( $thumbnail ) && !empty( $image ) )
$thumbnail = $image;
/* Get the first image attachment on the post */
// if( empty($thumbnail) ) $thumbnail = $this->get_the_image();
if( $current_post_type == "works"){
$thumbnail = $this->get_the_image_by_post_thumbnail( );
/* Add user supplied default image */
if( empty($thumbnail) ) {
if ( empty( $this->options['aiosp_opengraph_defimg'] ) )
$thumbnail = $this->options['aiosp_opengraph_dimg'];
else {
I hope it would help somebody.
Thanks you.
Have a nice day!
]]>Two days back I have updated All In One SEO Pack plugins to 2.2.7 and suddenly after that meta tags are not showing up in all post pages.
Please help!!!
]]>Now the problem is that i can’t add image in my posts.
If i deactivate the Yoast plugin and reactivate the All i none seo Pack it works again….is like if worpdress need Aiosp to add images.
Please help i can’t figure out and i don’t want use Aiosp again, also because i’ve imported and deleted all datas from Aiosp to this one!
]]>Notice: Undefined index: aiosp_front_meta_tags in /.../all-in-one-seo-pack/aioseop.class.php on line 348
I believe the issue is the if/else shorthand is backwards for line 348:
$front_meta = isset( $aioseop_options['aiosp_front_meta_tags'] ) ? '' : stripcslashes( $aioseop_options['aiosp_front_meta_tags'] );
I’m assuming the if/else should set $front_meta to ‘ ‘ if isset returns false like so:
$front_meta = isset($aioseop_options['aiosp_front_meta_tags']) ? stripcslashes($aioseop_options['aiosp_front_meta_tags']) : '';
That way if isset returns false $front_meta is set to blank, no stripcslashes of the unset $aioseop_options[‘aiosp_front_meta_tags’].
Please let me know if I am correct with this update. I know this doesn’t break the plugin but seems like it might cause problems at some point.
Running: WordPress 3.5, AIOSP v