Now that I DO have credit card payments set up, how do I go back and have each of those outstanding customers pay for orders with a credit card? As a test for one customer, on the “Edit order” page, I changed the Status drop-down from “Processing” to “Pending payment,” then from the “Order actions” drop-down selected “Email invoice/order details to customer.”
That prompted the system to automatically send the customer an email. However, the “Pay for this order” link in the email takes you to a customer Checkout page that doesn’t show any credit card info other than a radio button next to “Credit / Debit Card” and a checkbox next to “Save payment informationā¦”
So long question short, what do I do? Can I have the outstanding orders paid for with credit cards, or will I have to cancel all the orders and have the customers reorder the items?
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer this.
]]>But there is a problem. The inscription “after” is displayed, but copies the content “before”.
It is fixed very easily. In the file image-compare.php (along the way wptd-image-compare/trunk/widgets/image-compare.php) in function render
during subsequent rendering, “data-before” and “data-after” have the same tokens (thats all).echo sprintf('<figure class="%1$s" data-offset="%2$s" data-orientation="%3$s" data-move="%4$s" data-swipe="%5$s" data-hover="%6$s" data-noverlay="%7$s" data-before="%8$s" data-after="%8$s">',
Just change last data-after for "%9$s"
I have a google calendar showing, However I am trying to do something with JQuery for IF LOCATION CONTAINS text
The idea is that if the location is OFFICE then I will add a class or css to li class=”event” to be something like li class=”event red” and then the background to be red for any events which have office as the location.
However, This is hard to do currently as my Jquery loads before the shortcode. Is there any way to hook in after the shortcode?
or some JS that can tell when the shortcode has run/calendar loaded?
A quick example
if ($(‘.location:contains(“office”)’).length > 0) {
$(this).addClass(“thisClass”); //add a class to location for now, will use jQuery to find the parent .event once this works
]]>Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but [before] and [after] tags are displayed multiple times for archive list templates with auto templates, but works as expected (displayed only once) for Pods block and shortcode to display Custom PODs items listing.
]]>I think I did something wrong here. I’m not technical at all, so hopefully someone can help me fix it.
Yesterday, I decided to reset my whole website so I could start over. After that, I could log in to my website anymore. After asking some questions on this forum, Steven helped me log in again (thankfully). But now I cannot access my dashboard. I just see the main page of the website and my name in the top right- and left corner.
I already tried giving my user admin-privileges. My site is hosted on Siteground and I went to phpmyadmin. One thing I need to note it that nothing is called “wp_users” or something, but “cgf_users” instead. Maybe this is the problem?
Anyway, giving myself admin privileges this way did not work. Does anyone else have another suggestion?
I am also open to starting all over by somehow deleting my website completely from WordPress and starting all over again. So if that is possible, please let me know how to do that as well.
Many thanks in advance!
]]>For a while now, I have wanted to reset my website, so I could start all over again. Tonight, I finally decided to do it.
I followed the steps from this article: and reset my website. After clicking the “reset database” button, I was logged out of my website. And now I cannot log in again.
I keep getting the notification: “Unknown email address. Check again or try your username.”, even though I am using the same login details as before. I know, because they are saved on my MacBook.
Can someone please tell me how I can login again?
How can I remove the horizontal lines above the site navigation and under the post/article titles?
How can I remove the dots between the menu entries?
Where is the font info for the menu entries?