Upon refreshing the mobile device, the dropdown menu briefly appears for a second and then promptly corrects itself. I have attached images and a video for your reference to provide a clearer understanding of the situation.
Widget Image – https://i.ibb.co/2yfP2fW/Screenshot-2023-11-20-at-4-42-25-PM.png
Problem Image – https://i.ibb.co/GHmzgwB/Screenshot-2023-11-20-at-4-43-08-PM.png
Problem Video Link – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iPbs2PXUljd0FIh_bT6nu0nlTIEdkD7Y/view?usp=sharing
Your assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. If you require any further information or details, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your time and support.
]]>Is there anyway to keep the active item in advanced menu expanded after page load? Now it closes and you need to click in to the submenu on every page load.
]]>I have created a large site with Shop isle pro. I am in the sporting goods industry. Currently I have created a drop down menu that consists of simple product categories, such as Home / Fishing / Rods / Baitcast Rods. I need to create another type of menu which will also allow my customers to search a specific category, such as baitcast rods, by manufacturer. I carry several manufacturers. Is their a plug in for this? All my major competitors have this option. Thank you!
]]>I’m looking for an easy, fool-proof way to get custom attributes into a WordPress menu link.
You know how we can add “advanced menu properties” like “Link Target”, “Title Attribute”, “CSS Classes” and so on?
I need a way to add custom attributes.
This will help a lot with tracking in Google Analytics, if we want to set up certain links as events.
For example, I’m hoping to be able to get this in the menu links (see where data-event-category and so on starts):
<li id="menu-item-2773" class="nav li websites a menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-2773"><a href="https://www.mywebsite.com/menu-link"
data-event-category="top menu"
data-event-label="click on first item"
itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">Menu hypertext</span></a>
I put spaces between them so they can be seen easier.
(Note: those attributes are for use with the new Google Analytics autotrack.js plugin)
I’ve been doing some research and the closest I could find is this article: https://www.wpexplorer.com/adding-custom-attributes-to-wordpress-menus/
But the plugin this author made on the WP repository hasn’t been updated in 2 years, so I’m weary of that, or that it may be outdated.
I see that ACF or another custom field method may work. But being a non-coder, I’m wondering if anyone out there has a ready-made solution, or even a dummy-proof step by step way to set this up?
Your help would be so much appreciated!
]]><option value=””>Select</option>
]]>I hope you can assist me.
I have a vacation rental website.
I have categories for suburbs and tags for number of bedrooms.
This means that tags are not suburb specific.
But potential guest want to list a suburb by number of bedrooms. This means that a couple only want to see one bedroom (tag) places in suburb (cat).
I would prefer to create a menu item for tag (number of bedrooms) at Suburb1. Etc.
I suppose an advanced search could also work.
Can you suggest a way to do this without coding it?
]]>The site is… https://www.olleydesign.co.uk/
As an example, the 3rd item in my top menu is ‘portfolio’ and it opens a second vertical menu for the different types of work I do.
When clicking on an item in the second menu, a list opens up and stays open, so the various things I’ve designed can be looked at in turn, without the user getting lost.
What I’m wondering is whether it is possible to duplicate this menu system on a wordpress site/theme, or indeed if anyone has come across an existing theme that works in similar way.
Many thanks for any comments or help, I am very new to wordpress.
Thank you