Why? Speed/UX is too important for site administration.
I’ve always been front end focused. Only recently have I been honing my WordPress back-end dashboard interfaces. With CPTs, WordPress is now a competitive CMS. A desktop dashboard app could be just as effective in improving the experience for the least considered users… the guys who actually have to update the site’s content.
If you host on a shared web host, using the online wordpress dashboard is slow. Page loads, media uploading, saving… on a shared web host so many tasks use valuable seconds that could be minimised if not removed entirely.
So I just wanted to put the idea out there. What do people think?
]]>Terry Collins
]]>Does anyone know of a plugin for easily reorganizing category hierarchies?
I have recently been using Drupal which in contrast to its general interface failings has a very nice javascript category management system (categories in Drupal speak are vocabulary and terms). A user can drag a term (category) and place it anywhere along the vocabulary tree, and indeed nest terms. The changed order is then saved when the user clicks the save button. This beats WordPress’ edit an individual category parent select box.
I am currently working on a site with 160 categories all at the top level(!). They are in desperate need of (re)organizing, as currently the categories are fulfilling the IA functionality of WordPress tags even though these are themselves very well utilized. To organize and maintain the categories individually is going to be a nightmare. A bonus to this project is the post permalink URLs are not based on categories, so any changes won’t affect the SEO.
For any developers out there: is there a programmatical reason such a plugin may not have been created? I can hazard a guess that the relationship between posts, categories and sub-categories, and permalinks might be quite complicated.