I learned that we could also change the address through “phpMyAdmin” but I do not know how to access the panel. My current host is AWS.
]]>Ahora no se ni cual es mi usuario, y todo lo que leo en los foros lo hago introduciendo el usuario que me sale en el panel de control de mi hosting en “wp_options” y en “admin_email ” y aparece este correo electrónico otro diferente pero cuando lo introduzco para entrar me dice que no hay ninguna cuenta asociada. Puede que ayer la borrara por error intentándolo todo … porque cuando introduzco el usuario que me aparece en admin_emal pone que ese usuario no está asociado a ninguna cuenta.
Ya no se qué hacer, la única manera de que alguien me lo solucione es por aquí ya que por email no dan soporte.
]]>I would like to change the mailadress, the mails are sent from and also the admin_email parameter for the theme templates.
I thought, they just use the administration email of the WordPress installation, which I just changed. But the changes do not apply to Ultimate Member.
Would be great, to get some help with that issue. Thanks a lot in advance.
]]>I’m unable to receive any email from wordpress to my gsuite address.
Google team have confirmed the issue is with the sender. Even their report confirms the same:
“No messages found. Please contact the sender for further investigation.”
What tests I’ve done:
? changed wp admin email from Settings > General. Says confirmation pending.
? changed wp admin email from phpmyadmin
? changed wp admin email from ….com/wp-admin/options.php.
Now it does show my wp admin email address is the gsuite email address e.g. [email protected]
But I’m still not receiving any email from WordPress.
Please help me!
]]>I am currently writing a theme and wanted to make it the best it can be. I am writing the 404 error page, and want to include a link to email the webmaster. I was wondering if it is possible to run the bloginfo(‘admin_email’) through antispambot in something like this? :
mailto:<?php antispambot(bloginfo(‘admin_email’)); ?>
Is that possible or is it just wishful thinking?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks,