I get this message: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
If I enabled WP_DEBUG, I get the following in PHP 8.2, but not in PHP 8.1:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ShareThisShareButtons\Share_Buttons::$inline_setting_fields is deprecated in /www/nationalcarboncapturecentercom_328/public/wp-content/plugins/sharethis-share-buttons/php/class-share-buttons.php on line 172
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ShareThisShareButtons\Share_Buttons::$sticky_setting_fields is deprecated in /www/nationalcarboncapturecentercom_328/public/wp-content/plugins/sharethis-share-buttons/php/class-share-buttons.php on line 231
No errors in server logs either. Hosting at Kinsta. Any ideas?
]]>At the bottom of the form, the submit button displays “Save Settings /></p></form> <div style=”. That button DOES submit the form, but forces the Menu/Plural Label and Secondary/Singular Label values to “Elementor DB”, and can’t be changed via this form (I assume those are the default values). I have to edit the database directly if I want those changed.
]]>The below procedural PHP code will add 5 text fields to Settings>General in the WP dashboard but how do I achieve the same with using OOP classes?
function link_settings_api_init() {
// Add the section to general settings so we can add our
// fields to it
'Social Links',
// Add the field with the names and function to use for our new
// settings, put it in our new section
'Facebook Link',
'Twitter Link',
'Linkedn Link',
'Instagram Link',
'YouTube Link',
// Register our setting so that $_POST handling is done for us and
// our callback function just has to echo the <input>
register_setting( 'general', 'facebook_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'twitter_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'linkedin_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'instagram_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'youtube_link' );
} // link_settings_api_init()
add_action( 'admin_init', 'link_settings_api_init' );
function links_setting_section_callback_function() {
echo '<p>Add Social Media Links for HSPH</p>';
function facebook_function() {
$facebook_link = get_option( 'facebook_link', '' );
echo '<input id="facebook_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="Facebook Link" name="facebook_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($facebook_link) . '" />';
function twitter_function() {
$twitter_link = get_option( 'twitter_link', '' );
echo '<input id="twitter_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="Twitter Link" name="twitter_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($twitter_link) . '" />';
function linkedin_function() {
$linkedin_link = get_option( 'linkedin_link', '' );
echo '<input id="linkedin_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="LinkedIn Link" name="linkedin_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($linkedin_link) . '" />';
function instagram_function() {
$instagram_link = get_option( 'instagram_link', '' );
echo '<input id="instagram_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="Instagram Link" name="instagram_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($instagram_link) . '" />';
function youtube_function() {
$youtube_link = get_option( 'youtube_link', '' );
echo '<input id="youtube_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="YouTube Link" name="youtube_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($youtube_link) . '" />';
How do I convert the above to work in PHP OOP
class MY_Plugin_Social {
public function init() {
add_action( 'admin_init', 'link_settings_api_init' );
// or should I use an array add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'link_settings_api_init' ), 99 );
public function link_settings_api_init() {
// Add the section to general settings so we can add our
// fields to it
'Social Links',
// Add the field with the names and function to use for our new
// settings, put it in our new section
'Facebook Link',
'Twitter Link',
'Linkedn Link',
'Instagram Link',
'YouTube Link',
// Register our setting so that $_POST handling is done for us and
// our callback function just has to echo the <input>
register_setting( 'general', 'facebook_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'twitter_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'linkedin_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'instagram_link' );
register_setting( 'general', 'youtube_link' );
} // link_settings_api_init()
public function links_setting_section_callback_function() {
echo '<p>Add Social Media Links for HSPH</p>';
public function facebook_function() {
$facebook_link = get_option( 'facebook_link', '' );
echo '<input id="facebook_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="Facebook Link" name="facebook_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($facebook_link) . '" />';
public function twitter_function() {
$twitter_link = get_option( 'twitter_link', '' );
echo '<input id="twitter_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="Twitter Link" name="twitter_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($twitter_link) . '" />';
public function linkedin_function() {
$linkedin_link = get_option( 'linkedin_link', '' );
echo '<input id="linkedin_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="LinkedIn Link" name="linkedin_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($linkedin_link) . '" />';
public function instagram_function() {
$instagram_link = get_option( 'instagram_link', '' );
echo '<input id="instagram_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="Instagram Link" name="instagram_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($instagram_link) . '" />';
function youtube_function() {
$youtube_link = get_option( 'youtube_link', '' );
echo '<input id="youtube_link" style="width: 35%;" type="text" title="YouTube Link" name="youtube_link" value="' . sanitize_text_field($youtube_link) . '" />';
I’m getting a callback error similar to Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘links_setting_section_callback_function’ not found or invalid function name in /home/xyz/code/wwwhsph/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 1608
]]>for security reasons I disabled “create posts” for admins. Nonetheless I can create posts when I’m logged in as an admin. I would also appreciate to disable “publish posts” for admins. But it’s not possible to change the settings.
Do I need the ProVersion for that or does this happen due to server settings? I noticed that MySql 5.6 is required for WP now, but currently my Server has only 5.0.12. Does User Role Editor require a newer version of MySQL?
Thank you
]]>everything works and displays correctly except for the Admin settings – which only shows the admin menu centred on the page but no settings. See https://imgur.com/a/bvAb8
Do you have any idea what could be causing this?
thank you!
]]>Within a firs test phase we notice following problem :
Only one (1) admin account has access to the review page of this plugin path/URL: …/wordpress/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wpcr3_review
As the project has 3 admin accounts – the website is administrated globally from different continents – we noticed for 2nd + 3rd amin accounts which have all same rights as 1st one, that the link via dashboard “Reviews -> All Reviews” is :
… missing completly the editing function. New review posts cannot be moderated by all 3 admin accounts.
What is wrong with ? – How to give all 3 admin accounts the editing rights ?
]]>I am unable to save WordPress admin changes and even theme changes.
I have tried everything like clearing cache, uninstalling plugins and themes, fresh installs.
Every time I make a change on the admin backend and reload the page the changes are not saved.
When I try to save a setting on theme option like upload a logo / change colors and click save, the changes fail.