The sites had all been hacked and a trojan left behind. All sites were on the same server. As they were only a few weeks old and not developed. I completely deleted all four sites.
wordfence did its job by notifying me of the access but it was not a hack in the normal sense. They logged in using a username that does not exist on the sites and never has.
The IP of the culprits (Bangladesh) is, others may wish to add it to their blocked IP list.
I have no idea how they were able to use admin as a username.
Best regards Peter
]]>I would love to make the blog name come first, before the name of the page. That way I’d have a clue as to which of my thousand tabs to go to.
Rdited to ask–can I do this with .htaccess file?
]]>I want to remove the “Insert Into Post” and make the “Use as featured image” say “Insert into Gallery” and make it look like a button.
Any ideas?
]]>I’ve already posted here, but I just couldn’t edit post title.
You can find more explanation on my needs here:
In fact, I’ve just heard about the Taxonomies things, and I think it’s really what I need … but didn’t find any plugin using those, or allowing us to create ones.
Can someone give, share or starts helping for a simple code to allow us adding a new Taxonomy in dashboard?
It would greatly help everyone stucks with the limited categories/tags for a rich blog.
For me, I need for example to “tag” my posts with the subjects they’re about, post them into their right “categories”, but also “label” them with the language (or the languages) they’re written in, and also “label” them if yes or no, they’re “pro” articles, or just general/private ones.
For other people, just imagine a photoblog, categories would be for the multiple “competitions” or “events”, “tags” would be for subjects on the photos … but how to “label” the country? … An extra taxonomy would help, and examples of use are unlimited.
Thank you very much for any help.