Anyone else having similar concerns? I am suspecting Admin Column is displaying the value incorrectly. Any Ideas, suggestions?
]]>Anyone else have similar concerns? I am suspecting Admin Column is displaying the value incorrectly. Any Ideas, suggestions?
]]>I am trying to use this plugin but it dont works…
I have Admin Columns Pro to view some metadatas and I cant search it. When I deactivate Admin Columns plugin, can search about this metadata perfectly, but I cant view it in table.
Any solution?
Thanks and nice plugin!
]]>Admin Columns Pro has always worked fine alongside ThreeWP Broadcast with both network activated on a WP 4.0 Multisite Network with about 70 sites. (We have the Three WP Broadcast Premium Pack.)
However, one of the ThreeWP Broadcast upgrades after v11 began causing page and post saves to hang at a white screen and the page would never refresh after the save when ThreeWP Broadcast and Admin Columns Pro were activated.
The changes being saved are committed to the database, but the page will not refresh to display the changes that have been saved.
Deactivating either plugin eliminates the page and post saves conflict and they complete as they should and the admin page refreshes and displays the changes.
I confirmed this issue by rolling back to earlier versions of ThreeWP Broadcast and deactivating all premium pack add ons so that only the base ThreeWP Broadcast plugin is active. Under those circumstances, no conflict exists up through v11.
I do not have a copy of ThreeWP Broadcast v12, but v13 and Admin Columns Pro 3.1.1 cause page and post saves to hang at white screen.
I have debug active, but no error is reported.
Also, no error appears in the error logs.
I have reported this to the Admin Column Pro developers as well.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide so that both of these excellent plugins can coexist happily once again.
]]>I’ve been troubleshooting something odd the past few days.
If I create a custom post type either with the plugin “Custom Post Type Maker” or my own, hand-coded plugin and Admin Columns Pro is activated, there is no “Publish” meta box when I try to “Add New” for a given custom post type. (Default Post type is fine.) If I deactivate Admin Columns Pro, the metaboxes are visible. Note, Publish and Featured Image meta boxes are apparent if CAC is activated and the post has already been saved as a draft.
Please note, I did check Screen Options.
Please note, I have tried disabling other plugins in various combinations. I also wrote my own custom post plugin to make sure the “Custom Post Type Maker” plugin was not the issue.
Please let me know if I’m missing anything obvious.
Thank you