Other than a possible conflict with another does anyone have any insight as to what this might be or how to go about remediating the issue. I have been using the free version for some time without any issue so i don’t really think that the issue a conflict with another plugin.
But I also haven’t seen anyone else mention a similar issue.
Any help is appreciated
]]> `function display_add_user_metabox(){
‘<form method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data” action=”‘.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] ).'”>’,
‘<p><label for”firstname” >First Name</label>’,
‘<input type=”text” name=”firstname”></p>’,
‘<p><label for”surname” >Last Name</label>’,
‘<input type=”text” name=”surname” > </p>’,
‘<label for”nickname”>Nickname</label>’,
‘<input type=nick”text” name=”nickname” ></p>’,
‘<label for”userpic”>user Image</label>’,
‘<input type=”file” name=”userpic” ></p>’,
‘<input type =”submit” name=”submit” value=”Add user” >’,
and the function to insert the users:
` function add_user(){
global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . “users”;
$name = $_POST[‘firstname’];
$surname = $_POST[‘surname’];
$nickname = $_POST[‘nickname’];
$upload = wp_upload_bits($_FILES[“userpic”][“name”], null, file_get_contents($_FILES[“userpic”][“tmp_name”]));
‘user_name’ => $name,
‘user_surname’ => $surname,
‘user_nickname’ => $nickname,
‘user_image’ => $upload[‘url’]
if( isset($_POST[‘submit’]) ) {
This doesn’t insert anything in the table. However if I comment out the $upload or anything related to the image, everything works fine. What am I missing?
]]>I am unable to get into my dashboard or the login section does not display on my browsers for reasons unknown to me. Check out my website at https://www.oigaracommfound.org/wp-admin. Why is that?
I would like to export the wwebsite content. Is there any other way that i can export the content, maybe from the cpanel?
Everytime that i have to access my website i have to use the full address https://www.oigaracommfound.org otherwise it brings a blank page?
The activated theme is a twentysixteen child theme.
How do i access my website login to the backend section?
How do i export the content so that i may use it on the local website?
Do i have to use the full address https://www.oigaracommfound to access my website?
Please assist?
Kind regards,
]]>As I noted here in the FAQ’s section of my plugin there are a few plugins like this that really let you change the dashboard through widgets… The others being magic widgets and Dashboard Widget Sidebar.
If you check out how dashboard widget sidebar works it lets you add widgets (metaboxes) to the dashboard
Given the usual way to add metaboxes:
add_meta_box( $id, $title, $callback, $post_type, $context,
$priority, $callback_args );
Dashboard widget sidebar lets you change the following $title, $callback, $context, $priority.
Anyway, the way I’ve been using your plugin is similar to how CSS/JS Toolbox works. CSS/JS Toolbox is the only other plugin I’ve ever found that lets you target current screens through simple patterns as opposed to complicated screen hooks.
I think this plugin has a lot more potential than that one seeing that it works through the widgets API. What I did was I took the first css class .mm-green and hid it using .mm-green {display: none !Important;} Then using the enhanced text widget, users are able to add widgets to any screen in the admin section and add javascript/css in a very easy way just like they would on the frontend.
Doing this works great.
NOW I want to take it a step further. I’d like the action in your plugin construct to work more like Dashboard Widget sidebar where it lets you choose the paramaters, but more specifically lets you choose from a simple dropdown the hook location. So instead, replace the following admin_notices
with a variable that allows the user to select the $hook through a simple dropdown:
` // Display dashboard notes
if ( is_admin() )
add_action( ‘admin_notices’, array( $this, ‘display_notices’ ) );
To start I’m thinking the dropdown should be admin_head, admin_notices, and in_admin_footer (and maybe admin_print_scripts)
Anyway, I started working on this today, but if you have any ideas on how to get this to work or think you could get it working with your plugin please let me know! I really think it could change the way people look at backend development.
I think “Dashboard Notes” doesn’t really justify how great this plugin really is and could be!
]]>As I noted here in the FAQ’s section of my plugin there are a few plugins like this that really let you change the dashboard through widgets… The others being magic widgets and Dashboard Widget Sidebar.
If you check out how dashboard widget sidebar works it lets you add widgets (metaboxes) to the dashboard
Given the usual way to add metaboxes:
add_meta_box( $id, $title, $callback, $post_type, $context,
$priority, $callback_args );
Dashboard widget sidebar lets you change the following $title, $callback, $context, $priority.
Anyway, the way I’ve been using your plugin is similar to how CSS/JS Toolbox works. CSS/JS Toolbox is the only other plugin I’ve ever found that lets you target current screens through simple patterns as opposed to complicated screen hooks.
I think this plugin has a lot more potential than that one seeing that it works through the widgets API. What I did was I took the first css class .mm-green and hid it using .mm-green {display: none !Important;} Then using the enhanced text widget, users are able to add widgets to any screen in the admin section and add javascript/css in a very easy way just like they would on the frontend.
Doing this works great.
NOW I want to take it a step further. I’d like the action in your plugin construct to work more like Dashboard Widget sidebar where it lets you choose the paramaters, but more specifically lets you choose from a simple dropdown the hook location. So instead, replace the following admin_notices
with a variable that allows the user to select the $hook through a simple dropdown:
` // Display dashboard notes
if ( is_admin() )
add_action( ‘admin_notices’, array( $this, ‘display_notices’ ) );
To start I’m thinking the dropdown should be admin_head, admin_notices, and in_admin_footer (and maybe admin_print_scripts)
Anyway, I started working on this today, but if you have any ideas on how to get this to work or think you could get it working with your plugin please let me know! I really think it could change the way people look at backend development.
]]>Getting this error in the edit posts/pages screen and none of the dropdowns on the page are working. Deactivating the typography plugin makes the edit posts/pages work again as expected. Only experiencing this problem since the last WP upgrade. Are you aware of this or would it be a plugin conflict specific to my site? www.wpmanaged.net
]]>These forms would containe information such as do you want 1 or 2 sidebars and that kind of thing. It would be kind of like toggles.