What username and password am I supposed to enter? I have tried credentials that are in our AD but that does not seem to work. Our IT team also does not know where to start with the issue.
]]>[INFO] ————————————-
2016-08-19 / 15:28:08
[INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
– base_dn: OU=a numbered ou,DC=domain,DC=my
– domain_controllers: 10.x.x.x;10.x.x.x
– ad_username: $something
– ad_password: **not shown**
– ad_port: 389
– use_tls: 0
– network timeout: 5
[NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
[INFO] Domain Controller: 10.x.x.x
[WARN] No group. Nothing to do.
[INFO] Number of users to import/update: 1746 (list generated in 0 seconds)
[INFO] Enabling user “xxxx”.
[INFO] 0 Users added.
[INFO] 1439 Users updated.
[INFO] In 34 seconds.
[INFO] ————————————-
2016-08-19 / 15:28:42
Bulk Import returned no error.
]]>Here are the 2 examples :
With the same UPN and SAM :
AD Integration Logon Test
openLDAP installed
[INFO] method authenticate() called
[INFO] ——————————————
PHP version: 7.0.2
WP version: 4.5
ADI version: 1.1.8
OS Info : Linux 64208505daa9 4.5.1-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Apr 16 11:42:12 EDT 2016 x86_64
Web Server : fpm-fcgi
adLDAP ver.: 3.3.2 EXTENDED (201302271401)
[INFO] LDAP paging: enabled
[NOTICE] @domain found.
[NOTICE] user domain “@elmarche.be” in list of account suffixes.
[NOTICE] username: test.test
[NOTICE] password: **not shown**
[INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
– account_suffix: @elmarche.be
– base_dn: ou=ELMA,dc=ELMARCHE,DC=BE
– domain_controllers:
– ad_port: 389
– use_tls: 0
– network timeout: 5
[INFO] Checking domain controller ports:
[INFO] – – OK
[NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
[INFO] max_login_attempts: 0
[NOTICE] trying account suffix “@elmarche.be”
[NOTICE] Authentication successfull for “[email protected]”
[NOTICE] cleaning up failed logins for user “test.test”
[0] => cn
[1] => givenname
[2] => sn
[3] => displayname
[4] => description
[5] => mail
[6] => samaccountname
[7] => userprincipalname
[8] => useraccountcontrol
[cn] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => test test
[0] => cn
[sn] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => test
[1] => sn
[givenname] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => test
[2] => givenname
[displayname] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => test test
[3] => displayname
[useraccountcontrol] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => 66048
[4] => useraccountcontrol
[objectsid] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => }??rO???1
[5] => objectsid
[samaccountname] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => test.test
[6] => samaccountname
[userprincipalname] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => [email protected]
[7] => userprincipalname
[mail] => Array
[count] => 1
[0] => [email protected]
[8] => mail
[count] => 9
[dn] => CN=test test,OU=Teachers,OU=ELMA,DC=elmarche,DC=be
[NOTICE] Updating user “test.test” with following data:
– email : [email protected]
– first name : test
– last name : test
– display name : test.test
– account suffix: @elmarche.be
– role : administrator
[NOTICE] – user_id : 989
[DEBUG] cn = test test / type = string / meta key = adi_cn
[DEBUG] givenname = test / type = string / meta key = adi_givenname
[DEBUG] sn = test / type = string / meta key = adi_sn
[DEBUG] displayname = test test / type = string / meta key = adi_displayname
[DEBUG] description is empty. Local value of meta key adi_description left unchanged.
[DEBUG] mail = [email protected] / type = string / meta key = adi_mail
[DEBUG] samaccountname = test.test / type = string / meta key = adi_samaccountname
[DEBUG] userprincipalname = [email protected] / type = string / meta key = adi_userprincipalname
[DEBUG] useraccountcontrol = 66048 / type = string / meta key = adi_useraccountcontrol
User logged on.
With different one :
AD Integration Logon Test
openLDAP installed
[INFO] method authenticate() called
[INFO] ——————————————
PHP version: 7.0.2
WP version: 4.5
ADI version: 1.1.8
OS Info : Linux 64208505daa9 4.5.1-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Apr 16 11:42:12 EDT 2016 x86_64
Web Server : fpm-fcgi
adLDAP ver.: 3.3.2 EXTENDED (201302271401)
[INFO] LDAP paging: enabled
[NOTICE] @domain found.
[NOTICE] user domain “@elmarche.be” in list of account suffixes.
[NOTICE] username: test.test
[NOTICE] password: **not shown**
[INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
– account_suffix: @elmarche.be
– base_dn: ou=ELMA,dc=ELMARCHE,DC=BE
– domain_controllers:
– ad_port: 389
– use_tls: 0
– network timeout: 5
[INFO] Checking domain controller ports:
[INFO] – – OK
[NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
[INFO] max_login_attempts: 0
[NOTICE] trying account suffix “@elmarche.be”
[NOTICE] Authentication successfull for “[email protected]”
[NOTICE] cleaning up failed logins for user “test.test”
[0] => cn
[1] => givenname
[2] => sn
[3] => displayname
[4] => description
[5] => mail
[6] => samaccountname
[7] => userprincipalname
[8] => useraccountcontrol
[NOTICE] Updating user “test.test” with following data:
– email : [email protected]
– first name :
– last name :
– display name : test.test
– account suffix:
– role :
[NOTICE] – user_id : 989
[DEBUG] cn is empty. Local value of meta key adi_cn left unchanged.
[DEBUG] givenname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_givenname left unchanged.
[DEBUG] sn is empty. Local value of meta key adi_sn left unchanged.
[DEBUG] displayname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_displayname left unchanged.
[DEBUG] description is empty. Local value of meta key adi_description left unchanged.
[DEBUG] mail is empty. Local value of meta key adi_mail left unchanged.
[DEBUG] samaccountname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_samaccountname left unchanged.
[DEBUG] userprincipalname is empty. Local value of meta key adi_userprincipalname left unchanged.
[DEBUG] useraccountcontrol is empty. Local value of meta key adi_useraccountcontrol left unchanged.
User logged on.
]]>Multisite Network Support
For a while now, people have kept asking me when ADI will be supporting Multisite Networks. I have always liked that idea and therefore this feature has been on my To-Do list for a long time. But I did want to do it right, so let′s not take half-measures.
A new Team behind ADI 2.0
To be able to properly implement Multisite Network Support a lot of effort is required and the existing code has aged making it poorly maintainable. Therefore I have decided, not to develop and maintain ADI on my own anymore. Together with my colleges from the NeosIT GmbH we are bringing ADI with version 2.0 to a whole new level. In the past months ADI was completely rewritten and is currently in a pre-alpha-stage.
If you would like to know more about ADI 2.0, feel free to read Schakkos blog post where he is talking about a few of the new features.
How will ADI continue?
We do not want to keep it a secret. So here is a schedule for the next few weeks:
During this time, development will continue and we will be testing, testing and testing.
]]>This is what I get:
AD Integration Logon Test
openLDAP installed
[INFO] method authenticate() called
[INFO] ——————————————
PHP version: 5.6.16
WP version: 4.4.2
ADI version: 1.1.8
OS Info : Windows NT SRVFPV-WAMP-01 6.3 build 9600 (Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition) AMD64
Web Server : apache2handler
adLDAP ver.: 3.3.2 EXTENDED (201302271401)
[INFO] LDAP paging: enabled
[NOTICE] username: robert.shimield
[NOTICE] password: **not shown**
[INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
– account_suffix: @fhft.nhs.uk
– base_dn: dc=fhft,dc=nhs,dc=uk
– domain_controllers: ldap://
– ad_port: 389
– use_tls: 1
– network timeout: 25
[INFO] Checking domain controller ports:
[ERROR] – ldap:// – FAILED
[NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
[INFO] max_login_attempts: 10
[INFO] users failed logins: 0
[NOTICE] trying account suffix “@fhft.nhs.uk”
[ERROR] Authentication failed
[WARN] storing failed login for user “robert.shimield”
Logon failed
]]>I am working with my Devs helping them configure certain plugins to connect to our Windows Active Directory in order to update the field in AD called THumbnailphoto. The way it should work is if I upload a users picture on their profile in WP that image should be exported to the THumbnailphoto field in AD so the users image shows up in Lync/Outlook etc.
However we cannot figure out why when WP writes the image to this field the image is completely unreadable. I have a util called AD photo that is able to do just this but its a windows util. Has anyone come across trying to sync images from WP back to Windows AD??
]]>After some trial and error, I was able to break my working instance of the ADI bulk import function on my development server. The good thing, in this case, is I was able to document how I broke it in hopes that I might get some helpful info on why it broke and (maybe) how to fix it.
Before I get into what I did to break it, I’ll provide some detail about how we’re using the network. This is a company intranet, so all of the sites in the network represent either a business unit of the company or some specific program content, etc. In the main, root site, I manually run the bulk import of all company employees every couple of days to ensure that user profiles are updated and new employees are added, etc. This bulk import at the root level adds users to both the main site users list and to the network users list. Most everyone in the company is assigned a subscriber role on the main root site. Once they are authenticated, they then have access to view the entire network of sites as a visitor, even though they are only technically imported to the main root site user list. Unfortunately, with a couple of recent updates to some other plugins, it has now become necessary to actually import every user into every site with a specific role.
At the subsite level, where I’ve been having the bulk import trouble, I used a test AD security group containing three users who are a subset of the already imported users for the entire network. On a test subsite, I added the necessary ADI plugin settings under authorization (“Role equivalent settings”) and also added the AD test security group to the groups to be imported. I ran the bulk import and it worked as expected. Three users were added to the subsite users list with the correct role.
After the test users were added, I manually removed them from the subsite users list by checking the box next to each name and selecting “Remove user” from the bulk apply function. The screen refreshed, the notice appeared at the top that the selected users were removed and they no longer appeared in the user list. A second time, I ran the bulk import with the same test group and the results were successful, just like the first import. So far, so good.
Before I ran the bulk import a third time, I cleared out the “Additional attributes” under the User Meta tab, while “Overwrite with empty values” and “Show Attributes” were already unchecked and left so. When I re-ran the bulk import for the test group, the import didn’t technically fail, but the bulk import process reported back that no users were added and three users were updated. This was strange, since these three users had been manually removed from the site and how could they be updated if they didn’t exist? Refreshing the subsite user list, none of the three users in the test group were added to the site with the assigned role. I ran the bulk import again (fourth time), same results. It’s as if the bulk import function was still seeing the users as being in the subsite and “updating” them instead of adding them.
I added the “Additional attributes” back under the User Meta tab and tried the bulk import a fifth time. The import process still didn’t work and behaved the same as described above. Next, I unchecked “Append account suffix to new created usernames” under the User tab. (I’ll note that it is necessary to have this setting checked at the root site when importing new users for our intranet accounts to work correctly.) I re-ran the bulk import a sixth time with my test group and the three users were added back to the site, as expected, just like the first and second time I ran the import. And even though “Append account suffix…” was unchecked, the users added to the subsite were the correct users from the Network user list, not three duplicated users without an account suffix.
So, with all of that, can anyone point me to an answer as to why the plugin is behaving like this? It seems that, somehow, the process of manually removing users from a site and then modifying some part of the import causes future imports to stop working until some other random configuration is changed in the plugin, at which point the import process starts to work again.
The reason why this is important is because, once all the necessary AD security group users have been imported to each network site with their assigned roles, eventually there will be employees who will move from one role to another within the company; for example, from a regular employee to a supervisor or manager. When that happens, it will be necessary to remove the user from a site and then use the bulk import process to add them back to the site with the correct new role.
I have found that If I simply change the role of an existing user on a subsite, their new role is downgraded back to their original role each time the bulk import is run. This is why just manually changing the role isn’t a solution and it is necessary to remove the user from the site and then add them back with the bulk import function.
]]>The problem I had was that all my existing users of our company’s Intranet suddenly over night could not login. I.e everyone at my company was locked out, but the admins. The error message they all got was a blank page with the message “Error creating user!”. Which is very true, but not very informative as to why.
As far as I could see in the logs and in the Test tool the user were successfully authenticated to the AD, but for some reason WP did not consider this to be an existing account so it then tried to create a new account. Which then failed since the email address is already existing and we do not allow multiple account with the same email address.
But, I could not figure out why WP wanted to create a new User when a user with the same username and with the same email address is already existing. Why did it not simply use the existing account?
After going through all “the Usual Suspects” I started wondering about the fact that we have one domain suffix for the authentication (@company.se) and this is different from the domain suffix of the email address (@company.com). This might be part of the problem, but for me it at least got me thinking in the right direction.
The solution was very easy. DO NOT select the check box:
“Append account suffix to new created usernames”. Especially not after you have all the user account created by ADI without that check box selected.
If you have the check box set the login with “firstname.lastname” then the account that WP then tries to create in our WP is “[email protected]” with the email address: “[email protected]”. If you do not have it set, the username will be “firstname.lastname” and the email will be “[email protected]”. Which is all very logical.
I am 99.99% certain I did not change that setting since yesterday, but none of the other WP admins have claimed responsibility so I guess I am wrong on that.
It’s is just sad that it took me the better part of today to figure this out, so if anyone run into the same problem, then this was the solution to my problem of the day.
]]>telephonenumber:Telefone: *
wwwhomepage:Usuário do Skype: *
department:Departamento: *
title:Cargo: *
I think that the “*” character is not working as it should. It should make those fields editable by creating an input type=text, right ? It’s only adding the * to label, as per screenshot:
Also, I can’t update any other profile info. When i click Update button I get the following error message:
Error on writing additional attributes back to Active Directory. Please contact your administrator.
[Error 0] Success
I would appreciate some help.
Thanks everyone