a quick question because our event quality score at fb ads has dropped because some parameters are missing.
recommendation by fb to send parameters
for example this is the event add to cart
external id and click-id are below 11% of all events.
how can we improve these results?
]]>Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>There’s a load of stuff that big sites like eBay and YouTube are constantly battling to stop people from posting.
To go through each one would take for ever, if the site got on the first page of Google for that niche. So I wanted a set of filters that send up an alert for different types of banned subjects.
Something like the NSA or GCHQ in the UK do to stop terrorists and warlords doing business over the Internet. There’s a piece of software called ‘Webwatcher’ that alerts you of any change in the site once you set it up. But it doesn’t have filters to look at individual adds.
I was thinking something along those lines. Has anyone heard of such a plugin or software for this problem.
]]>I am combining adds from multiple affiliate relationships. Also like that I can have multiple lists and ads can be made to auto expire or auto publish. Set it and forget it.
Tye slider was easy to set up too.
]]>Am I making sense? Is this possible?
]]>check out my new plugin Smart PopUp Blaster
It’s easy to use popup plugin.
I’ll try to add more plugin support and more plugin option over time.
I was really excited to publish it as soon as possible, especially because it’s my first live plugin.
check it out and if you like it, please leave some positive feedback.