Notice: Function add_submenu_page was called incorrectly. The seventh parameter passed to add_submenu_page() should be numeric representing menu position.
In order to overcome this (minor) problem, I have modified the function (in file “…\ajax-bootmodal-login\inc\settings.php”)
the statement
add_options_page(__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ),__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ), 'administrator', __FILE__, 'alimir_bootModal_settings_page', __FILE__);
add_options_page(__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ),__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ), 'administrator', __FILE__, 'alimir_bootModal_settings_page', /* __FILE__ */);
i.e. I have removed the sixth parameter, so the call falls back to the default parameter.
This helped, but unfortunately my patch may be overwritten by the next update of the plugin.
]]>function AtasArtMainMenu() {
add_menu_page('Atas Art Editor', 'Atas Art', 'manage_options', 'aaedit', 'AANLUpload', '', 65);
add_submenu_page('aaedit', 'Atas Art Editor', 'Remove newsletters', 'manage options', 'aaremove','AANLRemove',99);
function AANLUpload() {
function AANLRemove() {
echo 'Hello';
The menu item ‘Atas Art’ shows on the admin menu but the submenu is nowhere to be seen.
]]>However, when I go to Job Listings and select one or more expired jobs and apply “instand indexing: update or get status”, I get a white screen.
I’ve activated debug and noticed the following error:
PHP Notice: add_submenu_page was called incorrectly. The seventh parameter passed to add_submenu_page()
should be an integer representing menu position. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.3.0.) in /var/www/ on line 5226
I disabled every plugin and switched themes to 2020, but as soon as I activate the Instant Indexing plugin, the error returns.
I also tested enabling just WP Job Manager + Instant Indexing + 2020 theme, but even then the error persists, so it must be an issue with the Instant Indexing plugin.
How can I get my setup to work?
]]>This works for the admin dashboard fine.
How can I get it to work for an editor dashboard ? preferably without giving editors any other capabilities.
]]>I spend few hours to fix my problem – I’m giving up. I need help!
Whats wrong with my code to translate an admin-menu? Everything else is nice translated (plugin header, error messages, buttons – perfect!), the menu doesn’t work.
I use PoEdit Pro for the translation.
text-domain: yet-another-blogroll
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'yab_init');
function yab_init() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'yab', false, plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'languages/' );
add_action('admin_menu', 'yab_admin_menus');
function yab_admin_menus() {
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) :
// Hauptmenü
$top_menu_item = 'yab_admin_page';
add_menu_page('', __( "Yet Another Blogroll", 'yet-another-blogroll' ), 'manage_options', 'yab_admin_page',
'yab_admin_page', 'dashicons-rss' );
// Untermenü: Information (wie Hauptmenü)
add_submenu_page($top_menu_item, '', __( "Overview", 'yet-another-blogroll' ), 'manage_options', $top_menu_item, $top_menu_item );
// Untermenü: Gruppen
add_submenu_page($top_menu_item, '', __( "Groups", 'yet-another-blogroll' ), 'manage_options', 'yab_groups_admin_page' );
// Untermenü: Webseiten
add_submenu_page($top_menu_item, '', __( "Websites", 'yet-another-blogroll' ), 'manage_options', 'yab_websites_admin_page' );
// Untermenü: Einstellungen
add_submenu_page($top_menu_item, '', __( "Settings", 'yet-another-blogroll' ), 'manage_options', 'yab_settings_admin_page' );
// Untermenü: Fehlerprotokoll
add_submenu_page($top_menu_item, '', __( "Error logs", 'yet-another-blogroll' ), 'manage_options', 'yab_errorlogs_admin_page' );
Please! Help! Me! It’s a detail, yes, but a pain in the…
My code loops round each CPT and uses add_submenu_page to create submenu. It works correctly for CPTs not using nested pages, but not for those that do. The url for the submenu should be:
However for the CPT using the nested pages, this url is:
If I uncheck Replace Default Menu it works fine.
]]>Recently I have started developing my own plugins. I am trying to make a plugin that I can use easily to add features to my website.
In order to allow myself to easily add dashboard pages/submenu items I made a simplified function of add_submenu_page(). I am just not sure if I am doing this the correct way.
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'tm_plugin_dashboard_menu');
function tm_plugin_dashboard_menu(){
function tm_plugin_dashboard_submenu( $title, $function ){
$slug = "terpstra-media-$function"; // Decapitalise page slug by using $function variable.
$callback = "tm_plugin_dashboard_settings_$function"; // Create callback function name
// Submenu page defaults
add_submenu_page( 'terpstra-media', $title, $title, 'manage_options', $slug, $callback );
Create submenu pages trough this function:
tm_plugin_dashboard_submenu( $title, $function );
tm_plugin_dashboard_submenu( __('Widgets', 'tm-plugin'), 'widgets' );
tm_plugin_dashboard_submenu( __('Shortcodes', 'tm-plugin'), 'shortcodes' );
// add plugin main page after submenu pages to prevent wordpress from creating top-level duplicate
__('Terpstra Media Plugin', 'tm-plugin'),
__('Terpstra Media Plugin', 'tm-plugin'),
'2.1' );
I hope you guys can help me accomplish this. As soon as I know how to do this the correct way I can finish my plugin in no-time.
]]>I hook into the ‘admin_menu’ action:
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'add_menu'));
Then I have the following function which handles the action and adds the menus:
public function add_menu()
add_menu_page('Page title', 'Top-level menu title', 'manage_options', 'my-top-level-handle', array(&$this, 'main_menu_page'));
// first submenu is a duplicate of the toplevel menu as per the second codex link above
add_submenu_page('my-top-level-handle', 'Page Title', 'Top-level menu title', 'manage-options', 'my-top-level-handle', array(&$this, 'main_menu_page'));
add_submenu_page('my-top-level-handle', 'Page Title', 'Sub-menu title', 'manage-options', 'my-submenu-handle', array(&$this, 'main_menu_page'));
add_submenu_page('my-top-level-handle', 'Page Title', 'Sub-menu title 2', 'manage-options', 'my-submenu-handle2', array(&$this, 'main_menu_page'));
I also have this function to print contents:
public function main_menu_page()
echo "Hello menu!";
However much I try, none of the submenus are visible, and if I click the top-level menu I get the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” message.
If I remove the first add_submenu_page line (the “duplicate”), then I no longer get the “sufficient permissions” message, and “Hello menu!” is displyed, but still no sub menus are visible.
What am I doing wrong?
]]>I’ve created a custom post type with enabled category taxonomy. I want to rename (Internationalize) term “Category” in my custom post type submenu.
Using this code:
function rename_category_submenu(){
add_submenu_page('edit.php?post_type=modelis','Modeli? kategorijos', 'Modeli? kategorijos', 'manage_categories', 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category&post_type=modelis');
add_action( 'admin_menu' , 'rename_category_submenu' );
it works. “Category” is removed and my Label is being put with correct link.
The problem is that my customly added category submenu page link when selected doesn’t get class=”current” like other items (All posts and New).
Is there anything I can do about it?
]]>Yesterday I was installing ‘Digg Digg’ plugin on my wp site. After installing it, i was not able to activate it and then i saw that all the plugins got deactivated by themselves.
After that I am getting a php error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_submenu_page() in /home/charge7/public_html/wp-content/themes/chargebar/functions.php on line 877
function add_submenu_page() is a wp reserved function, i dont know why its not finding it.
Can anyone help or anyone having same problem.