I am starting a multisite with subdirectories. But I can’t add users to a specific site.
If I use the “add new user” option on a site in a subdirectory an activation mail is sent to the new user, but when clicking on the link it says that the activation code is invalid. If I check the option that a user will be added without a activation mail (I’m using the Dutch version, don’t know the exact translation), I get a message that the user is added. But when I take a look at the users, the user is not there. Neither in the Mysql-database.
If I use a registration plugin, the user is added to that site. But the strange thing is that the user has access to all sites, instead of just one. While looking at the users via the network dashboard, it only shows acces to the specific site. (for security I don’t want to use the registration form of the plugin).
I’ve tried with and without the plugins activated.
It makes me nuts, hope you can help me out.
]]>When I check the Debug console on the browser, it shows:
Uncaught TypeError: o is undefined
w https://mydomain.com/wp-admin/js/user-profile.min.js?ver=5.6:2
m https://mydomain.com/wp-admin/js/user-profile.min.js?ver=5.6:2
<anonymous> https://mydomain.com/wp-admin/js/user-profile.min.js?ver=5.6:2
jQuery 2
Over many attempts, I have tried to do this, putting in a
User Name: hello
Email: [email protected]
Assigning a Role: Admin or Editor
The Password button will not show any results.
I have tested on myself and nothing works.
After asking to Show Password, no reaction happens.
I am completely confused why not working.
I have also tried multiple Browsers.
Thanks for your help in advance.
]]>I’ve not run into this issue before; usually with WP I’ll see First Name, Last Name, the email checkbox, etc.
What’s going on here?
Everytime I add a new member I have to use the “reset” button besides the “Select top level” field.
Then I have to rearrange all the members in the desired order again.
There is for the moment no other way to add the new member tot the chart.
This is because the “Select User” field isn’t showing the new member after I added a new member. Also using the “add” button makes no difference.
Is this a bug? Is it something in the settings? Can I fix it myself?
Thank you for looking in to it.
]]>Subscribers can’t login. Once registered with a random password, subscribers cannot login through the login link provided right after they change their password. To login, subscribers must go to the website to login and it works there.
When someone is registered and a random password is sent, how can instructions to change the password and then go to the website to login (and not to use the login link provided) be sent? Put these instructions in the TOS because I thought the TOS checkbox on the “Add user” form meant the TOS would included in the email sent to subscribers but it isn’t.