First step: add custom post type to the wpdb-query so it would get the dates of this custom post type into the calendar. Opening the plugin (which luckily only consists of one document) in Dreamweaver and searching for it, I found four instances that needed to be changed.
post_type = 'post'
Needs to become this:
post_type IN ('post', 'CUSTOM_POST_TYPE_NAME')
Second step: add a meta box to the plugin code so the calendar will also be displayed on the add new/edit page. You need to add the following code just right below where you can find the original meta box which places a calendar on the add new post/edit page; don’t forget to put it into the bracket.
Add this code:
add_meta_box( 'future_calendar', 'Future Posts', 'get_future_calendar_html', 'CUSTOM_POST_TYPE_NAME', 'side', 'high' );
It is quite simply really.
]]>I have 4 custom post types, each of which has 4 cptonomies (the other CPTs and general Post). I’d like to remove all the metaboxes, and just have one metabox that includes all the assigned CPTonomies.
Is that possible?
]]>Last week I’ve had some great help from Chip Bennett and alchymyth on this post what helped allot. Now I was wondering if I (again) could get some php wizardry from you people. I tried to explain and express myself as clear as possible.
Where I am so far, what is working. (see code), and a little grid sketch.
At the moment I’ve accomplished with the help from above… a page with 3 loops.
Loop / Query 1
The 1th loop pulls some posts out of a category, nothing to it…. works. Functionality here is unclear and still in debate.
Loop / Query 2
The second loop gets post from the category “news”, puts the newest in the left column with thumbnail, title and excerpt. A few in the middle column, only title and excerpt and in the last and third column a list with titles. Also working like it should.
Loop / Query 3 (this is what this thread is about)
At the moment this gets a few posts out of a category.
What it needs to do is the following:
So I’m guessing there will be some PHP in functions.php, like the example above. When a post or page will be checked with a checkbox that it is featured content it will shop up. If there is no featured content, nothing will show.
I know this has to be done with “Add Meta Box” and that this Example gets me a long way… but my PHP just ain’t good enough.
Well, thanks in advance, I’m almost thinking I’m asking to much here.
It’s much appreciated…
]]>I have created 3 plugins for a real estate agent using wordpress custom post types. The 3 plugins are Properties, Communities, and Agents. On the properties plugin, i’ve added a series of custom meta boxes for users to enter extra information about the property. One of these meta boxes is a select drop down that is populated with a list of all communities that have been entered into the communities plugin. In addition, i’m also trying to do the same for agents. The purpose of these select boxes is so that you can attach a community, and an agent to the property, and display them on the front end with a link to their posts respectively.
The first select box I put in worked… sort of. Depending on where the select box was placed in relation to the other custom meta boxes, the custom meta boxes listed after the select box would all lose their value. The value was still stored in the database because it would show up on the front end, but in the backend the value wouldn’t appear. I resolved the issue by moving the Select Neighborhood box to the last option and moved on. Now that i’m trying to do the same with Agents, I have a big issue because one of them has to be added in added before the other, leaving the last field in my list broken.
After racking my brain for hours, I think i’ve narrowed the issue down to the loop that I used to pull a list of custom post types. If I remove the loop from my function, then the field after it begins to work. I haven’t the foggiest idea where i’m going wrong.
I’m getting better with PHP, but honestly i’m somewhere between intermediate and novice… I know enough to figure out how to create these plugins, but i’m far from a developer… The functions get_prop_neigh_dropdown() and get_prop_agent_dropdown() are the issue. Anyways, if anyone could help, here’s my code below:
[134 lines of code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
Any help would be greately appreciated.
]]>I found a website that provides sample code to add_meta_box functions. After copying and pasting and making some changes so I can get it to work with the “Post” type, instead of a Custom Post Type, it worked like a charm. Started to add some more input fields to save additional data, and now it doesn’t save any data. For that reason I commented out any textboxes that I created, it still won’t save or retrieve the data.
Here’s the functions.php. Please let me know if you find something wrong.
add_action( ‘add_meta_boxes’, ‘ahng_add_meta_box’ );
add_action( ‘save_post’, ‘ahng_save_postdata’ );
function ahng_add_meta_box() {
‘Video Options’,
function ahng_video_options_meta_box_func( $post ) {
// Use nonce for verification
wp_nonce_field( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), ‘ahng_noncename’ );
$mydata = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘post’, TRUE);
// The actual fields for data entry
echo ‘<label for=”ahng_url_thumbnail”>’;
echo ‘URL to thumbnail:’;
echo ‘</label>’;
echo ‘<input type=”text” id=”ahng_url_thumbnail” name=”ahng_url_thumbnail” value=”‘.$mydata[‘ahng_url_thumbnail’].'” size=”50″ />’;
echo ‘<label for=”ahng_duration_time”>’;
echo ‘Duration Time: Ex,(1:22)(11:34)(0:25)’;
echo ‘</label>’;
echo ‘<input type=”text” id=”ahng_duration_time” name=”ahng_duration_time” value=”‘.$mydata[‘ahng_duration_time’].'” size=”15″ />’;
//echo ‘
//echo ‘<label for=”ahng_itunes_aff”>’;
//echo ‘Itunes Affiliate Link (URL)’;
//echo ‘</label>’;
//echo ‘<input type=”text” id=”ahng_itunes_aff” name=”ahng_itunes_aff” value=”‘.$mydata[‘ahng_itunes_aff’].'” size =”75″ />’;
//echo ‘
//echo ‘<label for=”ahng_amazon_aff”>’;
//echo ‘Amazon Affiliate Link (URL)’;
//echo ‘</label>’;
//echo ‘<input type=”text” id=”ahng_amazon_aff” name=”ahng_amazon_aff” value=”‘.$mydata[‘ahng_amazon_aff’].'” size =”73″ />’;
//Add more fields as you need them…
function ahng_save_postdata( $post_id ) {
if ( defined( ‘DOING_AUTOSAVE’ ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE )
echo ‘doing autosave’;
if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[‘ahng_noncename’], plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) )
echo ‘can not verify nonce’;
if ( !current_user_can( ‘edit_post’, $post_id ) )
echo ‘user can not make changes’;
$mydata = array();
foreach($_POST as $key => $data) {
if($key == ‘ahng_noncename’)
if(preg_match(‘/^nivo/i’, $key)) {
$mydata[$key] = $data;
update_post_meta($post_id, ‘post’, $mydata);
return $mydata;
]]>I would like to move the Featured Image box from the “side” position to the “normal” or “advanced” position.
Pretty simple to pull off with the add meta box function using the “context” parameter, but I can’t seem to find a similar trick for existing boxes.
Any ideas?