I’ve just noticed that changing the Facebook/Twitter card image no longer updates the actual og:image
and twitter:image
tags when AdBlock Plus (Firefox Extension, in my case) is switched on.
The Twitter and Facebook buttons on the Social dialog also disappear.
I hope this helps you to find a workaround, but I’m also happy to provide more details if you think it would help.
Edit: in fact now, even with Adblock disabled (and the buttons showing), the card images are not being updated. The text fields are working fine, it’s just the image.
And I don’t have another plugin that’s interacting with the Twitter cards – and they were working on a previous version of RankMath. And it’s not a caching issue because when I save the post, the RankMath Social section still shows the previous image that I thought I’d replaced.
]]>ich habe die kostenlose Version von Advanced Ads und verwaltete dort alle meine Anzeige und bin überaus zufrieden!
Doch leider werden bei aktiviertem Adblock Plus meine Anzeigen von meiner Affiliate Plattform nicht angezeigt, obwohl ich den Haken bei “Ad-Block Fix” gesetzt habe.
Der Code für die Werbung sieht so aus:
<!-- Beginn https://www.financeads.net/-Code --><a href="https://www.financeads.net/tc.php?t=XXXXX" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.financeads.net/tb.php?t=XXXXXXX&https=1" alt="RK-FinanceAds_Banner_Brand_728x90" border="0" width="728" height="90"></a><!-- Ende https://www.financeads.net/-Code -->
Angeh?ngt ist noch ein Link zu meiner Seite, wo die Anzeigen nicht sichtbar sind.
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe und viele Grü?e
With the latest update (v1.4.9) which uses Braintree Javascript SDK v3, the drop-in Braintree payment form no longer appears.
I have checked and ensured that all my API keys and merchant ID is correct. I have also created a new API key, and the record on my Braintree account shows correct last-used date. However, there is no credit card form on the checkout page – the payment field for Braintree is just blank.
I have now reverted to version (last copy of the plugin I have), which uses Braintree Javascript SDK v2. With this version, the drop-in payment SDK appears and is working correctly.
Please advise.
]]>This plugins is really easy to use and useful… Thanks!
I just wonder if Ad Inserter can detect AdBlock? If answer is yes, What does the plugin do? or Are you thinking to include any option to disable AdBlock for Ad Inserter?
Just finished up a project, and was trying to troubleshoot the spinning arrow I was having. I am experiencing an issue when trying to send a message when Adblock Plus is enabled. When I hit the “Send” button, all I get is a spinning arrow, and no notifications of “Required” fields not being filled out.
If I disable Adblock Plus, everything works great, and the form will send just fine. Is there something I can change/edit so that other visitors that might use Adblock Plus won’t experience this issue?
Appreciate your time, and any help or advice you can offer.
God Bless!
]]>Is this a know issue with AdblockPlus and Contactform7?
]]>It appears that some WPPA code is being caught by the popular Adblock Plus ad blocker. I was able to narrow the culprit down to the EasyPrivacy list. I don’t know which line in the list inadvertently breaks WPPA.
Here is the EasyPrivacy list: https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.txt
If I disable this list in Adblock Plus (I am using Firefox), WPPA works again.
Any ideas?
]]>Any advice, please? Is there a way, for example, to have Jetpack’s Facebook Like Box be displayed within a WordPress text widget, maybe??
]]>Another thing is the new top-level menu of this plugin. I am not particularly fond with this plugin now having its own entry in my WordPress main menu. We don’t use the settings page that much, more like a set-it-and-forget-it thing, so I don’t believe it deserves that much of a visibility, the main menu already has its enough share of clutter. Taking it back to a sub-entry under the Settings menu would be better. You can still divide the page with tabs for example to group the different settings together (i.e. Backend, Frontend, etc.).
Thank you for the hard work!
]]>I use WP-Insert to put an affiliate disclosure under my posts (that Federal Trade Comission recommends me to put) but I noticed that Adblock Plus is blocking it…
Is there a way to make a disclosure to not show as advertisement?