What must be filled in in the Code, Name and Ad Sizes fields?
Also what does Out Of Page Slot mean?
Thank you in advance
]]>How can I change the number and positioning of ads on each page?
For instance, I want one ad at the top, one ad at the bottom, and one ad in a sidebar on my About page. But then I want one ad in the middle of my Contact page.
]]>Is it possible to move the middle ad up?
It appears too far down in the post.
I want to move the insertion point after first paragraph – how can this be done?
]]>Suppose two ads. One 468×60 and other one of 300×250. Both on top, but the banner is centered at first of the post (below tittle), and the second one Justified to right.
If you insert code for split test, both appear in the same possition, the idea is that work separately.
I don’t find an option to do that. A good idea will be to add at the right of each ad code.