]]>I am using woo commerce with the latest version of the theme Divi. I recently updated my site to the new theme Divi. I have a wholesale page that I use the plugin “Groups” to only let certain users view the page. I can log into account that I create on my computer but the new user cannot login on the their computer. It is saying login failed. I have no idea what is going on. It is for every user type, subscriber, customer. It doesn’t work at all. Can someone please help me?
Here is my website
]]>I have just recently started to create and build my website through WP. I got an hosting package and used cPanel to download WordPress. During the download process I created a WP account. Somehow I started another account with wordpress that I didn’t know wasn’t connected with the one I created with cPanel. The account I created with cPanel had this domian name for my website: The other account I had created had this domain: The problem was that the cPanel aka website had the SSL/https I had signed up for but it had /wp at the end of my domain name. And whenever I entered into my web browser the website came up, not the one I created with cPanel. So, when I tried to edit the domain name and take away the /wp from the the account disappeared. I’m not joking, it disappeared into thin air. When I tried to use the forgot password it said an account with my email/username didn’t exist and when I searched for the wp-admin account url for the cPanel account it changed into the other account ( one). Then the other account that I created now had the SSL and everything. However, when I installed and activated a new theme (the Quest theme) (I had already installed a few others), everything went blank. Now nothing is coming up at all. My wp-admin account is blank and the website is blank. Is there anything I can do to recover it? I’ve seen this happen in a few other forums but I also wanted to ask if I could just completely restart and redo my wordpres install with still being able to have my domain (which is still linked to the other account because I can’t even get into it)and SSL. Also, if that account does happen to come online, could I remove my domain from it and start over anyway? Thanks, Obeatty
]]>To start off, our company website is using the Goodwork theme. I last logged in the site on May 1, 2015. I updated the content and published the updates afterwards. Today, when I tried to log in, I can’t get through. The page prompts ERROR: The password you entered for the username admin is incorrect. Lost your password? This is strange because I didn’t change the password for the account. I search online for trouble shooting. I cleared the cache, used another browser to login, I tried loggin in from another internet connection and I stil can’t login.
Here’s the worse part. This site was actually made by a third party contractor. Besauce they failed to update the content of the site, I was given teh task to manage the content of the site. I can’t access the emails that the previious company who made the site because it seems that the emails were made using another email domain and not out company’s email domain. Now, I tried to contact the previous company who made the site for them to assist us in utilizing the Lost your password option. Unfortunately they have not responded yet and the person who made the site is no longer with the company.
What I want to know if is that is there a work around for this if in case the company that I am trying to contat could not help me to regain aaccess to the account?
]]>Today I’ve had some problems logging into my wordpress account for the page I was forced to go through the reset password process via email and then asked to provide an authentication code via my mobile phone app. However whenever I enter the code provided by the authenticator app I’m told it’s invalid. I’ve went through this whole process (password reset to phone verification) four or five times now and can’t even seem to have a SMS verification code sent to me for some reason (I make the request but get no SMS).
I’ve tried disabling 2-stage-verification and then un-linking my google+ account in order to skip the verification process but this hasn’t worked either. On top of this I could not even post in the forums without being logged in so I’ve had to create this second account just to ask for some support!
I need access to my account asap so any assistance you can provide would be very much appreciated.
Thank You