I’m using a free version at the moment to build out my course.
Now every time I try to access the Course Builder by clicking the ‘Launch Course Builder’ link I get sent to this new part of the Course screen (see screenshot: https://snipboard.io/EY2lB9.jpg) asking me to create an ‘Access Plan’.
I have one setup already and as there’s actually very little I can change in any of these settings I don’t know what I’m expected to do.
Has anyone had a similar issue and resolved it?
What is worrisome is that the user may not be able to view the access plan due to the course prog left to remain after the registered user.
Aiso,It has shown Block load error with LIFTER LMS BLOCK.(Response is not a valid JSON response)
]]>I couldn’t find an answer to my question anywhere in this forum so I decided to post a new topic.
If we have a continuous course (with no end date) and we want to give customers the possibility to purchase access to the course at a later date for a specific period of time, would that be possible?
For example, now we’re in April and I want to buy a 2-week access in August, would it be possible? How can this be set up?
]]>“There was an error loading the necessary resources. Please try again.”
I have disabled plugins (although I did re-enable after ruling it out, as can be seen in the system report) and that did not fix the problem. I wanted to show all the plugins I am currently using, so I re-enabled them for the system report.
I could not find any fix in the current documentation.
Please reach out if you need any additional documentation. Thank you for your help!
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Screenshot of error after it attempts to load for ~30 seconds:
But the thing is that when I set up my access plan’s length to one month this access plan doesn’t work like I want it to work. When someone subscribes to this access plan and I activate it then there’s no next payment date and it activates for lifetime… Did I miss smth? Can you help me please to set up access plan correctly?
Here’s screenshots of access plan settings and member’s info:
1. https://www.serhiishevchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Access-plan-options-screenshot.jpg
2. https://www.serhiishevchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/member-info.jpg