wie kann ich die Versandkosten im selben Fenster anzeigen lassen?
Gibt es eine snippet für die Fuction.php wo ich den {link}Versandkosten{/link} per _self im selben Fenster anzeigen lassen kann?
Den unteren Link hab ich in Germanized direkt eingepflanzt … Nach dem Speichern wird der aber gel?scht …
Derzeit: <a href="https://meinseite.com/versandarten/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Versandkosten</a>
Wunsch: <a href="https://meinseite.com/versandarten/" target="_self" rel="noopener">Versandkosten</a>
Noch besser w?re es wenn die Versandkosten in einem kleinen Modal-Popup erscheinen. Gibt es dafür einen Hook oder Snippet?
Bitte um Hilfe.
Lieben Dank für Eure Bemühungen!
Whilst most adverts I want to open in a new window as it would go to the advertisers website, in this particular case it is a block advert encouraging potential advertisers to download our Media Kit and so I need it to stay on our site.
Pretty basic stuff really so hopefully it is just that my eyes are failing me and I can’t see where I set this.
]]>Please change your plugin’s external links to open in a new window or tab (“_blank”).
If your plugin is properly designed, tab-napping, etc. should not be an issue once the change is implemented.
Above condition mars activity taking place in our WP dashboard.
Thank you!
]]>And when I test the link on my website, it behaves as if it was set to “_blank”.
Please see this screenshot to see the setting I am talking about: https://davidpgriffiths.com/everest-counter-screenshot-01.jpg
Please note: “None” is the default setting, but rest assured I am putting it to “_self” and Updating each time I see this.
]]>When I click on article link in category list, the article opens in WordPress main page, not in page where article link is shown, so menu item (position) changes to main page.
The link_target with attribute _self is not working. I tried on different templates- effect is the same. Is the way to force category article to open at the same page/ menu item where category list is placed?
Thank You!
]]>When I setup a link on my page, by default it should open the link in the same window. But currently by default it is opening my links in a brand new tab. I have deactivated all my plugins to make sure they are not interfering with each other but the same thing is still happening.
When I use the inspect element tool in chrome it shows that the target is being set to “_blank”. On the edit window for my page I have tried to manually set the target to “_self” but unfortunately it is still being overridden.
]]>I have made sure the shortcode does not have any information any it about opening in another window so it defaults to target “_self”. I verified in the inspector that it is says _self in the code. It still opens a new page with the media file playing.
I have tried other download button Plugins and they open a down load file box.
Here is the page in question: