My blog is running on wordpress for almost a year. However, Trackbacks did never work, I never saw a comment appear on someone else’s site, Technorati wasn’t informed (though I entered the adress), etc.
Well, today I read something about “cron”. I looked into my mySQL-Database and really, there are 472 entries including meta_key=_pingme
Does this mean anything? Is there any chance to send Trackbacks? By the way, my host doesn’t support sockets but curl().
Thanks in advance for anyone trying to solve my problem!
EDIT: I’m on wp 2.7 and I both used automatic trackbacking and trackbacking by entering URIs manually.
]]>What do these do? Why are they being made even though I am not specifying them when I make a new post? Is there a way to stop them from being made if I decide I don’t need them in my database?
]]>I migrated from my old homemade cms to WordPress by manually populating the database. Several pages are based on the static-page-extended plugin. Due to some conventions introduced in this migration process, I sometimes even write posts by patching the database. However this way I some WordPress actions don’t get triggered. One of them seems to be the ping ot other sites. Therefore my question:
How do I manually trigger the ping in WordPress?
“?INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES ('$new_post_ID','_pingme','1');
]]>Can somebody point me in the right directions, so I can get rid of them?